Q: How do I add clickable signature areas to a document?
A: You can add the following to config.js
$(document).on('documentLoaded', function() {
// hide signature annotation tool button
// signature locations
var rects = [
{ rect: new Annotations.Rect(0, 0, 200, 100), pageIndex: 0 },
{ rect: new Annotations.Rect(200, 200, 400, 300), pageIndex: 0 },
{ rect: new Annotations.Rect(400, 400, 600, 500), pageIndex: 0 },
{ rect: new Annotations.Rect(200, 200, 400, 300), pageIndex: 1 },
{ rect: new Annotations.Rect(400, 400, 600, 500), pageIndex: 1 },
var annotManager = readerControl.docViewer.getAnnotationManager();
var selectedRectData;
// draw rectangle annotations to indicate the signature locations
rects.forEach(function(data) {
var rectAnnot = new Annotations.RectangleAnnotation();
rectAnnot.PageNumber = data.pageIndex + 1;
readerControl.docViewer.on('mouseLeftDown', function(e, originalEvent) {
var displayMode = readerControl.docViewer.getDisplayModeManager().getDisplayMode();
var point = {
x: originalEvent.pageX + $('#DocumentViewer').scrollLeft(),
y: originalEvent.pageY + $('#DocumentViewer').scrollTop(),
var pageIndex = displayMode.getSelectedPages(point, point).first;
var pageCoordinate = displayMode.windowToPage(point, pageIndex);
for (var i=0; i<rects.length; i++) {
var rectData = rects[i];
var rect = rectData.rect;
// if we are clicking on a signature box
if (rectData.pageIndex === pageIndex && pageCoordinate.x > rect.x1 && pageCoordinate.x < rect.x2 && pageCoordinate.y > rect.y1 && pageCoordinate.y < rect.y2) {
var signatureTool = readerControl.docViewer.getToolMode();
selectedRectData = rectData;
$('#signatureDialog').on('dialogclose', function( event, ui ) {
var signatureTool = readerControl.docViewer.getTool('AnnotationCreateSignature');
signatureTool.on('annotationAdded', function(e, annotation) {
var annotRect = annotation.getRect();
var annotWidth = annotRect.x2 - annotRect.x1;
var annotHeight = annotRect.y2 - annotRect.y1;
var selectedRect = selectedRectData.rect;
if (selectedRectData.annotation) {
selectedRectData.annotation = annotation;
// fit the signature to the signature box
var boxWidth = selectedRect.x2 - selectedRect.x1;
var boxHeight = selectedRect.y2 - selectedRect.y1;
var hRatio = annotWidth / boxWidth;
var vRatio = annotHeight / boxHeight;
var ratio = Math.max(hRatio, vRatio);
var newWidth = annotWidth / ratio;
var newHeight = annotHeight / ratio;
var x1 = selectedRect.x1 + ((boxWidth - newWidth) / 2);
var y1 = selectedRect.y1 + ((boxHeight - newHeight) / 2);
var x2 = x1 + newWidth;
var y2 = y1 + newHeight;
annotation.resize(new Annotations.Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2));