Display multi-page XOD as a single page

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Matt Parizeau

Jun 5, 2014, 9:57:54 PM6/5/14
to pdfnet-w...@googlegroups.com

Is it possible to display a multi-page PDF/XOD as a single page?


You could use DocumentViewer's SetMargin function to set it to 0 and then disable the shadow on elements with the pageContainer class.

The code would look like:
$(document).on('viewerLoaded', function() {

And then in docViewer.css look for the .pageContainer css style and remove the box-shadow lines.

Chen NY David

Jul 12, 2014, 12:27:57 AM7/12/14
to pdfnet-w...@googlegroups.com
Hi Matt,

I like about the cover and cover continuous on the desktop. In the tablet or mobile viewer mode, it display page 1 & 2 as cover. 
How do I do around with page 1 and page 2&3,4-5 .... in mobile viewer ?

Thank you.


Matt Parizeau

Jul 14, 2014, 1:46:11 PM7/14/14
to pdfnet-w...@googlegroups.com
Hi David,

At the moment there isn't a built in way for the mobile web viewer to display documents in this mode. It does make sense that this viewing option should be available though so we'll add it to our list of feature requests. To add this viewing mode the only file that would need to be changed is MobileReaderControl.js, so technically it's possible you could try implementing this yourself as we provide the source code for that file, however from my brief look it seems like the required changes might not be completely straightforward.

Matt Parizeau
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.

David Compton

Jun 7, 2017, 12:58:51 PM6/7/17
to PDFTron WebViewer
Hi Matt,

Has this enhancement been added to MobileReaderControl yet?

Kind regards,


Justin Jung

Jun 7, 2017, 4:38:18 PM6/7/17
to PDFTron WebViewer on behalf of David Compton
Hello David,

If you are trying to apply cover page mode in mobile viewer, you can simply add the following to config.js:

$(document).on('viewerLoaded', function() {

David Compton

Nov 27, 2017, 11:02:06 AM11/27/17
to PDFTron WebViewer
Hi Justin,

I must have missed your reply to this question.  I'm back looking at this issue again now.  What I'm after is continuous page mode in the mobile viewer.  Is there now anyway to implement this? 

Kind regards,


Justin Jung

Nov 28, 2017, 7:00:51 PM11/28/17
to PDFTron WebViewer on behalf of David Compton
Hello David,

Currently the default MobileReaderControl is not setup to display pages in continuous mode.
It is possible for anyone to achieve it using the WebViewer APIs, but it's not a trivial implementation.
We are planning to provide an improved viewer sample next year that among other things will support continuous mode in mobile devices.

Justin Jung
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