Hi, I have just updated WebViewer to version 7.3.0, I have a question about the search panel, and specifically the list of search results.
When navigating search results with the arrows (see picture attached), the list does not scroll along, so that the "selected" search results can disappear from the viewport.
I had tested this also on the official demo at
https://www.pdftron.com/webviewer/demo/ and it's the same there, although as of today there is maybe a problem with the demo, since search results cannot get loaded (see screenshot of error attached).
With the previous version of webViewer that I had (5.1.0) I had implemented a custom scrolling mechanismus based on the selected element in the list relative to the other elements. Now this is no longer possible, since on scrolling, the elements in the list appear and disappear from the DOM dinamically depending on the current "viewport". Is there a chance to either set up autoscrolling when navigating through results, or have the results always present in the list, so that I can implement my own scrolling?
Thanx in advance, best regards