Big Size 41mb issue

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Jayaseelan A

Oct 17, 2014, 3:54:55 AM10/17/14
We currently PDFTron Webviewer to download,a xod file getting from a pdf is about 41mb and webviewer tries to load,but the document is not loaded.
The sample webviewer code,
myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({
                    type: type,
                    path: '../../lib',                           //URL path to the WebViewer root folder
                    initialDoc: "../../a9a8fab1_17_10_2014_5_54_6.xod",  //URL path to the document
                    documentId: "GettingStarted",
                    enableAnnotations: true,
                    mobileRedirect: false,
                    streaming : false                   //set streaming to 'true' if your .xod server doesn't acknowledge byte-ranges
                }, viewerElement);

The problem is streaming : false is not loaded,if i changed streaming : true the document is loaded.

Why the document streaming : false is not loaded?

I have attachedscript error on IE11 for your reference.

The issue shows on all the browsers.

Looking forward your reply.


Matt Parizeau

Oct 17, 2014, 2:24:43 PM10/17/14
Hi Jayaseelan,

When streaming is true you're just requesting the entire file up front which shouldn't be a problem for any servers but it is a problem for WebViewer if the file is large because it will need to be completely downloaded and parsed at the start which is slow.

When streaming is false WebViewer is just requesting the parts of the file it needs and this usually isn't a problem for most web servers but there can be issues if you're fetching things in other ways and not respecting the range headers.

Your error message says 416 which means "Requested range not satisfiable". The part at the of the url "&_=4294967295,8589934590" is added by WebViewer to help with caching issues and represents the range that it is requesting. These numbers seem a bit strange to me because they're very large. 4294967295 is 2^32 - 1 so maybe there is some sort of integer weirdness/overflow going on since your file is definitely not 4GB.

Are you able to reproduce the issue with an uncustomized WebViewer? Do you see the issue when running the WebViewer samples on your server? If you can then can you send me the XOD file so we can investigate.

Matt Parizeau
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.
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