I need support for right to left (RTL) text search in the WebViewer. This is for languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, etc.
If you type characters in reverse order search works, but
doesn't work when you write a proper search term:
hockey (hebrew letters in proper order - does not work)
yekcoh (hebrew letters in reverse order - search works)
I guess
this should be simple to change in the ReaderControl. After user enters the
search terms you can determine if the term is RTL or LTR
IsRightToLeftChar(uicode_char u) {
return (0x0590 <= u && u <= 0x05FF) || (0x0600 <= u &&
u <= 0x06FF) || (0x0750 <= u && u <= 0x077F) || (0xFB50 <=
u && u <= 0xFDFF) || (0xFE70 <= u && u <= 0xFEFF);
all characters are RTL then you can reverse the order of characters and call
the standard search function.