Is it possible to pseudo watermark the document being displayed via the UI of the Viewer only, to avoid conversion and watermarking for each viewer request. For read-only viewing, it would be desirable to avoid having to watermark the document, yet be able to display visually on the screen a watermark?
Related to above, is it possible to water mark an XOD -is there sample code to show how to do that?
When serving xod files from the server, is it possible to work with a byte array or does the xod have to exist on the file system?
Thanks for your interest in WebViewer! You can apply a pseudo watermark by placing a div with some content over top of each page. See this page for more info:!topic/pdfnet-webviewer/Kth8hiwNs6Q. The SetPageCompleteCallback code is where you could add your own code.
If you want to actually put a watermark on the XOD you can use PDFNet's Stamper class. One example can be found here:!topic/pdfnet-webviewer/bl-PeZqI920 or you can take a look at the stamper sample in the PDFNet download (
For loading dynamically created XODs (e.g. with a byte array) you can take a look at PDFNet's WebViewerStreaming sample. For a bit of discussion about something similar to this you can see this post: