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WebViewer v1.5.0 Beta (Updated)

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Matt Parizeau

Jun 11, 2013, 4:59:55 PM6/11/13

What's new in WebViewer v1.5.0 Beta

-Updated pinch zooming for mobile viewer
-Double tap zoom for mobile viewer
-Internationalization support
-Various other new features

Please let us know if you have any feedback or have experienced any issues with these changes.

You can download the beta version here:

Jun 13, 2013, 6:38:44 AM6/13/13

Thanks for this, the better pinch zooming was something I was looking for but I don't see any difference on a iphone, I can still only enlarge 1 level like before and if you are in single page mode, there doesn't seem to be any way to go to the next page.

I also have some issues with Kindle's silk browser, that just uses HTML5 and gives me the full interface like if viewed in ff or ie but if I try to do anything beyond the first page (change pages, zoom etc) silk just stops responding.

Everything appears to be the same in ff and ie


Matt Parizeau

Jun 13, 2013, 12:51:59 PM6/13/13
Hi Chris,

When you say you can only enlarge "1 level" what do you mean by that exactly?  This beta version should allow you to zoom much farther when using two fingers to make a pinch zoom gesture.  In the mobile viewer you should still be able to change pages in the same way, ie by swiping left or right or by tapping the left or right edge of the screen.

Thanks for the report on the silk browser.  It appears we weren't detecting it correctly and so the WebViewer was using the desktop viewer on it by default.  We'll have this fixed in the next version.

Matt Parizeau
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.

Jun 13, 2013, 2:38:48 PM6/13/13
Thanks for the reply Matt, sorry I should have been clearer.

On my iphone I could do the pinch zoom and enlarge the page but it would only do it once (1 zoom level). Once the page was "zoomed", then I couldn't change pages. Anything I did just moved the page around and I had a really tough time getting the page to reduce in size so I could swipe to the other page. What would happen a lot when trying to zoom back out is the page would stay the same but the header and footer of the viewer would overlay it, if that makes sense (so the page was the same size "zoomed in" but the view controls would appear over the page but the controls wouldn't work). Once I got the page to be the default "zoomed out" state, everything was fine.

Appreciate the silk fix, I'll be happy to test when you have a build.


Matt Parizeau

Jun 13, 2013, 3:03:30 PM6/13/13
Hi Chris,

The mobile viewer is designed so that while you're zoomed in you can only pan around the current page(s) and swiping is disabled.  As for your comments about zooming out, I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.  When you say the view controls would appear over the page but wouldn't work what do you mean exactly?  By view controls do you mean the slider in the footer and the buttons and page indicator in the header?  If possible could you send a screenshot.

To zoom out you should just need to make a normal pinching gesture, opposite to the one for pinching in.  Since double tap zoom has now been implemented you can also double tap to zoom out to the fit page zoom level.

Matt Parizeau
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.

Jun 14, 2013, 1:29:54 PM6/14/13
Yep, exactly. The slider in the footer and the buttons and page indicator in the header. It's once I zoom in and I want to zoom out so I can change the page that I have the problem. Pinching and/or double clicking will often result in the page staying zoomed in but the header and footer controls appearing (so the page is still full screen and zoomed in but the header and footer controls appear over them).

Maybe its just my phone, I try to keep it clean and only have a couple of apps on it but you never know. I'll try to reproduce on another iphone and get a screen shot.

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