Customize the width with the flash SDK

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Jul 29, 2013, 1:55:56 PM7/29/13
We have a limited content area for the viewer and the current viewer is too wide. Its easy to deal with in HTML5 but I don't know flash. If my viewer div is 650px, shouldn't webviewer in flash mode properly fit? Right now it cuts off about half way down the search input (so the search input, the search button and the full screen button are all chopped of).

I don't know flash at all but I couldn't get anything to work with Flash itself (I have cs4), flash builder just gave me all kinds of complaints about the project being done in a earlier version of flex. I also tried flash develop and couldn't really do anything else but load the projects. At least from there I could see the ReaderControl.mxml and it seems like everything is set to 100% width.

Any ideas on what can be down to either specify the width or cut down the existing some? (I also tried to set the width in the swfobject embed which made the overall width smaller but the same amount of real estate was chopped off).


Ryan - PDFNet Developer

Jul 29, 2013, 7:11:01 PM7/29/13
Hi Chris,

The Flex layout for the toolbar has a minimum width, and the only way to reduce it would be to remove or modify the elements in the toolbar so it can go smaller.

As for getting the flash webviewer sdk to build, it was developed using Flash Builder, so you might want to try downloading a trial version and importing the projects. As for CS4 and FlashDevelop, you might have to do some minor changes to get it work. In brief what you need to do is; the ReaderControl project needs to include the included WebViewer.swc file. Then the demo project needs to build linking the ReaderControl project.

Jul 30, 2013, 11:50:34 AM7/30/13
Thanks Ryan,

I got a little closer, after I edited .actionScriptProperties and changed the "targetPlayerVersion" to 0.0.0, I was able to import and build without a problem and my changes did appear in "WebViewerDemo/bin-debug" folder (and worked when I loaded Webviewer.html).

The 2 problems I have now is:
1. I'm not sure how to put this into production, in webviewer in the flash dir the only swf file is ReaderControl.swf and I don't see that as being created from the SDK build I just did (I see a WebViewer.swf, a frameworkxxx.swf, sparkxxx.swf etc but no ReaderContol.swf).

2. You guys (you I think), created a full screen button for me when I put in a request for feature/work. That's not in the current SDK download. Is there any chance on getting a updated SDK or if its something easy, can you tell me how to add the full screen?

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