Java PDFViewCtrl is not working properly

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Jul 18, 2014, 3:37:54 PM7/18/14

I`m experiencing troubles with the newest versions of your PDFNet libraries. My problem is connected with the usage of PDFViewCtrl class for displaying PDF file – when using PDFNet version 5.9, everything is ok, but when using newer versions (I`ve tried 6.2123937 and 6.232582 from March and July).

The PDF is not displayed at all, and instead of file grey field is shown.

I am experiencing this problem as a part of big internal application, but for demonstration purposes I`ve written small app (it is located in attached zip file under name using only one window for displaying PDF.


I`ve tried to run PDFViewTest and everything worked fine, so I was looking for differences between your and my solution and finally I came to this – I was using probably older way to render PDF with scrollbar like this:

JScrollPane pdfviewPane = new JScrollPane(view, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);

Instead of your way:

PDFViewScrollPane = view.getViewPane();

First way was working with old library, but not with the new one. So I`ve replaced my code with your sample code and then everything is working fine until then. So thank you for your help!
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