Can I use PDFNet with C/C++ in a cross-platform mobile app (iOS Android ...)?

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Jan 30, 2013, 2:42:25 PM1/30/13


We are making an app  with cocos2dx (c++) for Android and iOS. One feature the game needs is to generate PDF's with texture information (images). Do you have an API able to help us on this? Would your C++ API work both on iOS and Android?

I know PDFTron PDFNet API supports all mobile platforms, but my interest is into know if I can work with all mobile platforms with the same C++ code both in Android and iOS. Can you help me with that?





You can use PDFNet Mobile SDK to view, read, write, or edit PDF on all mobile and desktop platforms. The API is the same on all platforms. 


As a starting point please take a look at the samples under Creation sample group:

... specifically you may want to take a look at ElementBuilder, AddImage, Pattern, Stamper, and UnicodeWrite samples.

Please note that besides platform specific bindings (e.g. Java, C#, Objective-C) you can also access PDFNet with the same C/C++ interface from all platforms (Android, iOS, WinRT, etc). All SDKs comes with the C/C++ Headers so the only difference is that you would be looking at C/C++ samples ( rather than Java, Objective-C etc.


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