PDFNet Dependencies

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Vincent Ycasas

Oct 3, 2013, 3:02:39 PM10/3/13
This thread discusses required dependencies for PDFNet. If you ran into any of the keywords and keyphrases below, then your issue might be resolved by installing the proper dependencies for PDFNet.

PDFNet is distributed in the following forms of products:
- PDFNetC/PDFNetC64: Provides API for C, C++, Java, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, and PHP
- PDFNet/PDFNet64: Provides API for .NET 2.0 - .NET 3.5 languages
- PDFNetDotNet4/PDFNet64DotNet4: Provides API for .NET 4.0 and above languages

What are the dependencies?

- PDFNetC/PDFNetC64 : These products does not have any dependencies that requires extra installation.

- PDFNet/PDFNet64: These products require VC++ 2008 runtime libraries to be installed.
    Please obtain the runtime libraries from here:

- PDFNetDotNet4 / PDFNet64DotNet4: These products require VC++ 2010 runtime libraries to be installed.
    Please obtain the runtime libraries from here:

Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies
PDFNet .NET 1.x is deprecated

These lists of dependencies are accurate as of PDFNet 6.x release series.
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