We have a custom appearance in vector form and we want to use it as a custom appearance for a Signature Widget.
How do we apply the appearance for any given page rotation?
Approach 1:
This will generate appearance in vector form:
// Adds a custom appearance to a specified Signature Widget by using RubberStamp to adjust the appearance rotation.
// doc - PDFDoc containing the signature widget to add custom appearance
// page - page containing the signature widget
// widget - Signature Widget to add custom appearance
// appData - custom appearance
// bbox - user specified bounding box for the appearance
static void AddAppearanceToWidget(PDFDoc doc, Page page, Widget widget, byte[] appData, Rect bbox)
Obj appObj = doc.CreateIndirectStream(appData);
appObj.PutRect("BBox", bbox.x1, bbox.y1, bbox.x2, bbox.y2);
RubberStamp tempAnnot = RubberStamp.Create(doc, new Rect(0,0,bbox.Width(), bbox.Height()));
int rotation = Page.RotationToDegree(page.GetRotation());
if(rotation != 0)
appObj.PutName("Subtype", "Form");
appObj.PutName("Type", "XObject");
Approach 2:
This will generate appearance in image form:
// Adds a custom appearance to a specified Signature Widget by using PDFDraw.
// R.raw.appearance is the file containing the PDF content stream
// mAnnot is the signature widget of interest
// mAnnotPageNum is page number where the signature widget is on
void addSignatureStampToWidget() {
PDFDraw pdfDraw = null;
InputStream is = null;
PDFDoc tempDoc = null;
try {
String sigTempFilePath = mPdfViewCtrl.getContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + SIGNATURE_TEMP_FILE;
is = mPdfViewCtrl.getContext().getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.appearance);
byte[] appearance = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
tempDoc = new PDFDoc();
Obj contents = tempDoc.createIndirectStream(appearance);
Page appPage = tempDoc.pageCreate();
appPage.getSDFObj().put("Contents", contents);
Rect bbox = appPage.getVisibleContentBox();
Rect cropBox = appPage.getCropBox();
int width = (int) cropBox.getWidth();
int height = (int) cropBox.getHeight();
pdfDraw = new PDFDraw();
pdfDraw.setImageSize(width, height, true);
pdfDraw.export(appPage, sigTempFilePath, "jpeg");
// Set the appearance of the signature
SignatureWidget signatureWidget = new SignatureWidget(mAnnot);
Image img = Image.create(mPdfViewCtrl.getDoc(), sigTempFilePath);
File sigTempFile = new File(sigTempFilePath);
if (sigTempFile.exists()) {
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
mPdfViewCtrl.update(mAnnot, mAnnotPageNum);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (pdfDraw != null) {
try {
} catch (PDFNetException ignored) {