I am saving annotations separately in an XFDF file. Each time a PDF is opened I extract the FDF from the XFDF file and merge it with FDFMerge.
Below is my method for opening or creating the XFDF:
-(void)openAnnotations:(NSString*)fullPath {
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:fullPath])
[_pdfDoc InitSecurityHandler];
FDFDoc *fdfDoc = [FDFDoc CreateFromXFDF:fullPath];
// merge in the annotations
[_pdfDoc FDFMerge:fdfDoc];
[_pdfDoc InitSecurityHandler];
FDFDoc *fdfDoc = [_pdfDoc FDFExtract: e_annots_only];
[fdfDoc SaveAsXFDF:_annotationFilePath];
This is my method to save the annotations:
-(BOOL)saveAnnotations {
if (!_readOnly){
FDFDoc *doc_annots = [_pdfDoc FDFExtract: e_annots_only];
[doc_annots SaveAsXFDF:_annotationFilePath];
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
The problem I am experiencing is that when I open a PDF with form fields, that has any single/multiple values already populated (with <value>********</value> in the XFDF, when I try to CreateFromXFDF to merge it back into the PDF for display, I get an exception:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'PDFNet Exception', reason: 'XML Parsing error'
I have tried e_both, and still get the same exception.
I am not really interested in the form fields or values, and only really care about annotations.
Thank you!