PDF Viewer for WPF

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Aaron Gravesdale

Jan 29, 2014, 6:57:10 PM1/29/14
to pdfne...@googlegroups.com

I am developing WPF application for Win8 and I have to view some PDF documents. This application is primarily intended for use on tablets (no mouse usage). Does your PDFNet SDK supports following:

-          Navigation to file, to specific page from code behind?

-          Search text in the PDF document from code behind? Does it get any collection of found references in PDF to use them for easy navigation to them from code behind?

-          Classic touchpad navigation through PDF document using finger move, swipe, two finger zoom in/out etc?

-          I have to place some WPF elements over the PDF viewer control in z-order. Your control must not be a wrapped Windows Form Control. This kind of controls are always on top and can’t be  overlapped by other WPF elements.


At http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/downloads.html, you can download the latest .Net 4+ SDK.  If you load the solution file in the Samples directory, you can try out the PDFViewWPFTest and PDFViewWPFSimpleTest samples.  These show how to bring up a WPF-based PDF viewer.  You might also be interested in the PDFViewWPFTools sample, which allows you to customize UI controls and annotations.

Navigation to file, to specific page from code behind?

The sample shows how to change to an arbitrary page, using PDFViewWPF.SetCurrentPage().

Search text in the PDF document from code behind? Does it get any collection of found references in PDF to use them for easy navigation to them from code behind?

The sample demonstrates this; take a look at FindTextDialog (FindTextDialog.xaml.cs).

This application is primarily intended for use on tablets (no mouse usage).
Classic touchpad navigation through PDF document using finger move, swipe, two finger zoom in/out etc?

Touchscreen navigation can be enabled by calling

PDFViewWPF.IsManipulationEnabled = true;

in the sample.  We are also close (within the next month) to releasing a version of the PDFViewWPFTools which allow touch tools customization.  But the functionality you describe should work in the current sample.

I have to place some WPF elements over the PDF viewer control in z-order. Your control must not be a wrapped Windows Form Control. This kind of controls are always on top and can’t be  overlapped by other WPF elements.

The sample demonstrates WPF element z-layering in, for example, sticky note annotations.
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