Editing XFA PDF forms with PDFNet SDK on iPad & Android

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Jan 11, 2012, 1:50:12 PM1/11/12
to pdfne...@googlegroups.com

Is it possible to pass an XFA to a PDF form in order to populate the PDF form using PDFTron library? If not, are there any alternatives? Any other suggestions?






PDFNet SDK currently offers a limited high-level support for XFA (i.e.Adobe LiveCycle) forms. Besides LiveCycle we are not aware of any third party product with complete XFA support. XFA is a proprietary Adobe extension; it is  not allowed as part of PDF/A and there is a movement to remove XFA references from ISO 32000-2.


As a possible solution  your users could re-save PDF document with AcroForm/PDF compatibility in Adobe LifeCycle-Designer. After resaving the document using LifeCycle- Designer you will be able to properly render and process the document using PDFNet.


For more background and some thoughts on XFA Forms please see:




Please keep in mind that you can use PDFNet low-level APIs to extract/edit XFA data from PDF files (e.g. see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/pdfnet-sdk/zgoiXfCf_bU/ktXNzkpTspkJ). It is also possible to implement custom controls on top of PDFViewCtrl, so technically you could implement your own XFA layer on top of PDFNet.



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