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Re: Using PDFNet for iOS with Xamarin.iOS

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Feb 3, 2014, 1:06:20 PM2/3/14
We now have a pre-wrapped version of our library, available here:

On Wednesday, May 1, 2013 12:02:51 PM UTC-7, James wrote:

Our developers would like to use PDFNet Mobile PDF SDK for iOS within Xamarin.iOS (MonoTouch).

So, here are some quick questions:

1)    Does PDFNet Mobile PDF SDK for iOS support Xamarin.iOS?

2)    Are there Xamarin.iOS bindings or information we can use?



Xamarin.iOS supports binding to iOS static libraries, so you should be able to use PDFNet from Xamarin.iOS. Note that you must use the Apple LLVM compiler and not GCC which Xamarin may still default to. Xamarin updated their SDK to add support for LLVM in version 6.2.1. To use LLVM, right click on Project -> Options -> iOS Build -> Additional mtouch arguments -> add the following --compiler:clang++.

Xamarin has instructions on how to bind to a static library on their website (links below). PDFNet for iOS exposes a C, C++ and Objective-C interface, so you can use either binding method:

Binding via C interface:

Note that PDFViewCtrl and Print are only exposed via Objective-C, so if you plan to use either of these classes then you will have to bind to their Objective-C interface.

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