Re: PDF/A-Document saved from Word 2007 noch valid?

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Feb 1, 2013, 1:09:37 PM2/1/13
> So, it should be PDF/A-1b, right?
Theoretially it should. In practice MS Word 2007 does not produce / export completely valid PDF/A files :(
You can use third party PDF/A validators (e.g. preflight tool in Acrobat Pro) to verify this.
Please note that besides deep validation you can also use 'pdftron.PDF.PDFA.PDFAComplicance' to convert these files to fully compliant PDF/A
For sample please see the second code example in PDF/A sample:

On Friday, February 1, 2013 5:52:23 AM UTC-8, Timo Abend wrote:

I am evaluating PDFTron since I need to do deep validation of PDF/A. I created a PDF/A by saving a Word-2007-Document as ISO 19005-1 conform PDF. So, it should be PDF/A-1b, right?

When I load the Document in Acrobat Reader it says the document would be PDF/A. When I check it in the PDFATest-Application it tells me, the Document doesn't conform PDF/A-1b.

Does anyone have an idea why Word might give wrong output and why Acrobat Reader thinks it's all right? Or is there something with the PDFTron-SDK I should know?


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