Cancel search bar programmatically

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Randy Haid

Mar 1, 2021, 8:57:21 PM3/1/21
to PDFTron SDK
I'm using the iOS SDK and trying to find a solution to my scenario.

1. I'm overriding "toolManager(_ toolManager: PTToolManager, shouldShowMenu menuController: UIMenuController, forAnnotation annotation: PTAnnot?, onPageNumber pageNumber: UInt) -> Bool" so that I can add a custom UIMenuItem.

2. When the user taps on that custom menu item, my app navigates to another view controller of the app. (starting with "self.navigationController?.popViewController").

That works perfect in most situations....UNLESS the user has the search bar open/active.  If it's open, and they then long press to show the menu and tap on my button, my UI is hosed until I relaunch.

What I have tried:

A - I tried calling self.closeDocument which appeared to work once, but not the second time.  i.e. If the user goes back to the viewer and triggers that button again, self.closeDocument closes the document but doesn't reliably let me navigate away.

B. I tried to hack my way through the subviews, searching for the "Done" button on the search bar and programmatically tapping it.  This works!  Terrifying, but it works.  Except it has the same issue as C....

C. Right now I'm simply calling self.textSearchViewController.dismiss and navigating via it's completion block.  This also works, and is less terrifying than B.  But...

B and C both insist on leaving that UIMenuController visible.  I'm forced to repeatedly call UIMenuController.shared.hideMenu before I finally convince the thing that it should genuinely not be showing.  Without that, I am in a situation where the pdf viewer is gone, I'm on a totally different view controller, but I still have that little popup menu offering to let me search the doc. there a cleaner way to handle this than my option C?  I basically just want a programatic way to "cancel" that search bar before I navigate away.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Jamie Dassoulas

Mar 5, 2021, 12:32:19 PM3/5/21
to PDFTron SDK

Thank you for getting in touch with us about this.
Can you share a bit more information about your app's workflow? Are you using a PTDocumentController or a PTPDFViewCtrl directly?

We don't currently have a way to dismiss the search view programmatically but it is something we can look at implementing.

Jamie Dassoulas

Mar 29, 2021, 2:02:03 PM3/29/21
to PDFTron SDK

Just an update on this.
We have adjusted the behaviour such that the search view will be dismissed when navigating away from the viewer if you're using a PTDocumentController (or a PTDocumentViewController).
This is available in our experimental nightly build available here:



This will also be in our next official release which is currently scheduled for the first half April.

Randy Haid

Mar 29, 2021, 9:50:09 PM3/29/21
to PDFTron SDK
Nice!!  I'm excited to try that out.  You all are always so helpful, and I really appreciate it.  Thank you!
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