WinRT SDK cannot extract movies

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Will Tam

Aug 2, 2013, 6:09:02 PM8/2/13
I searched through this forum and tried the proposed way (!topic/pdfnet-sdk/0-9tjRVpG9U) of extracting video out of a PDF that I created (attached) using Acrobat X Pro. 

When I hit the line that reads "int num_annots = page.GetNumAnnots();", I can see that there is 1 returned. But when I proceeded to execute page.GetAnnot(0) to try to get that annotation, I got null returned back to me. Does the WinRT SDK not support getting RichMedia annotation? I used the CosEdit tool to ensure that the PDF I'm working with does have the mp4 file that I embedded. 

Also, I noticed that the WinRT SDK doesn't have the StdFile object in the pdftron.Filters namespace. Is StdFile not ported to WinRT?

Tomas Hofmann

Aug 12, 2013, 11:59:35 AM8/12/13
Hi Will,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It will be fixed by the next release. In the meantime, I will send you a custom build which has this problem solved.

Best Regards,
Tomas Hofmann

Tomas Hofmann

Aug 12, 2013, 12:51:33 PM8/12/13
Hi Will,

One of the big changes which was introduced in PDFNet 6.0 is the ability to access a PDFDoc in parallel across many threads of execution. In order to accommodate that change, we removed StdFile. For file input, it's been replaced by the MappedFile class, which uses memory mapping to provide thread-safe and efficient file I/O. For writing filters to disk, we've added the Filter.WriteToFile method.

Best Regards,
Tomas Hofmann

On Friday, August 2, 2013 3:09:02 PM UTC-7, Will Tam wrote:
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