Recently we posted our PDFNet library to the Nuget package gallery. is a great way to get started with PDFNet, and also to keep up to date on new releases.
Like our regular PDFNet releases, our nuget package includes both .Net 2.0 - 3.5 and .Net 4+ assemblies.
The other exciting part of the nuget package, that we are soon rolling out into our regular releases, is improved AnyCPU support.
Included in the Nuget package, is PDFNetLoader assembly, which at runtime will load our 32 or 64 bit versions of PDFNet depending on clients computer.
This way you can keep a single AnyCPU solution/project and still use PDFNet. Before you had to use x86 or x64 platforms.
We are looking for feedback, so feel free to contact us with how it went if you try.