(#74711696) PC Tech Forwarding Confirmation - Receive Mail from inbox@pctechmagazine.com

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PC Tech Team

Feb 22, 2012, 11:32:32 AM2/22/12
to pctechm...@googlegroups.com
in...@pctechmagazine.com has requested to automatically forward mail
to your email
address pctechm...@googlegroups.com.
Confirmation code: 74711696

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can send the confirmation code
74711696 to in...@pctechmagazine.com.

Thanks for using PC Tech!


The PC Tech Team

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PC Tech Magazine

Feb 22, 2012, 11:37:03 AM2/22/12
to pctechm...@googlegroups.com
Dear All,

Sorry, the email below was sent erroneously. Please ignore it.

Thanks and regards.

PC Tech Magazine Team.

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