Personal Introduction

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Rickey Jackson

Oct 24, 2012, 3:56:32 AM10/24/12
      I was a member of JAXLUG for a while, and moved back to Pensacola in January.  I haven't thought to check for a LUG here, and am quite surprised to see that not only does one exist, but is active.  I have been using Linux for the past 5 years, primarily and currently Slackware.  14.0 is now stable :), finally.  If you haven't checked it out, its worth running in a VM to see if you like it.  I have yet to find a more complete and stable OS.  Anyway, I just joined the group and wanted to introduce myself.  I look forward to attending my first meeting in November. 

     On the subject of the first meeting, does anyone know of a suitable replacement for Acrobat Professional,  it is $403, I am amazed that with all the open source projects out there, any program can sell for that much.  If there is not an alternative, I am curious what is impeding the development of an open source variant.  The company I work for has primarily switched to BlueBeam - not free and far from cheap at $179.  Even it is missing some of the functionality of Acrobat. 

Rickey Jackson

Joshua Welch

Oct 24, 2012, 6:59:57 AM10/24/12
Hi! It will be great to see you there.

I did some Googling but I guess I'm not sure what Professional does exactly, I haven't ever used it. Google told me the main difference was it allowed movies to be embedded in the pdf? I couldn't imagine that being too hard to replicate but maybe it is. Google also gave me a list:

Maybe something on there you haven't tried?

We have a few Slackware fans, so I'm sure you'll fit right in!


Kenneth Cochran

Oct 24, 2012, 7:49:58 AM10/24/12


I've not found any FLOSS that matched Acrobat Pro feature for feature. You can come close by using a combination of tools though. Scribus can handle most of the heavy lifting for desktop publishing. Inkscape will give you advanced graphics editing. PDFEdit will let you do minor edits to an existing pdf.

If you told us what features are critical to you we could give you better recommendations.

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