Anyone Interested in An Interview on Open Source Software?

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Matthew K

Jan 6, 2015, 8:32:11 PM1/6/15
Hello Pensacola Linux Users Group, I am a student at a local high school conducting my Senior Project on building Linux From Scratch version 7.5 ( I have just about finished my project, and I have had a blast working on the project while learning much about GNU/Linux, Open Source Software, and editors (Vi and Vim). As required for the project, I must write and defend a research paper relating to my subject. I decided that my topic would be "The Benefits of Using Open-Source Software in Schools and Offices (as opposed to proprietary software)." For this paper, I need to conduct an interview (a few questions) with someone with experience/knowledge in my topic, and I couldn't think of any I know who is an Open-Source Software advocate. If anyone is willing to be interviewed (it will be short and easy), please contact me in this thread or with an email.
Thank you Pensacola Linux Users Group.

Tom Browder

Jan 10, 2015, 7:30:40 PM1/10/15
Matthew, while I don't consider myself an expert, I have used Linux and much FOSS as my primary computer OS and application suite as a systems analyst, software developer, and project manager with a large firm (ManTech International Corporation <>) for over 20 years. I do consider myself a passionate advocate of FOSS. Feel free to contact me at

Best regards,


P.S. My Northwest Florida Linux User Group <> is sponsoring a computer science award (cash prize of $100) in the science fair held in Fort Walton Beach in February. Are you entering that?

Matthew K

Jan 10, 2015, 8:15:31 PM1/10/15
Mr. Tom Browder,

Thank you for the offer, It is people like you that make the FOSS community great. I appreciate all of the help being offered by the FOSS community. I did manage to find someone to interview, but I am glad to know there is a Northwest Florida LUG. My project is for my Senior Capstone, but it is great that the NWFLUG is sponsoring an award for that category at the fair. Thank you for all the work you do in the community and for Free and Open Source Software.

Many Thanks,

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