>>>>> "CW" == Colin Watson <cjwa...@debian.org> writes:
CW> This is usually due to a line in the man page being written such that it
CW> doesn't fit into your terminal width. Please complain to the maintainer
CW> of the manual page, not to me.
No sir, it is a calculated campaign against Google.
$ man -w pcmanx|xargs zcat|groff -man -Tutf8 > /dev/null
<standard input>:15: warning [p 1, 3.3i]: cannot adjust line
$ man -w pcmanx|xargs zcat|perl -plwe 's/google//'|groff -man -Tutf8 > /dev/null
$ man -w pcmanx|xargs zcat|sed 1,13d
.IR http://code.google.com/p/pcmanx-gtk2/ ,
.IR http://groups.google.com/group/pcmanx
OK, I suppose the pcmanx team should somehow fix their .IR lines.