Highway 33 closure and Pine Mountain 300k

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Dennis Peterson

Oct 25, 2023, 5:49:05 AM10/25/23
to PCH Randos
Starting a new thread as this topic came up elsewhere:
The latest report by the local newspaper stated an anticipated opening of the road after thanksgiving weekend. Caltrans contractors are doing extensive repairs and improvements to the washed out sections. Fingers crossed we make it through this next rainy season!

Dennis Peterson 

Kerin Huber

Oct 25, 2023, 7:50:23 AM10/25/23
to dennis.m...@gmail.com, PCH Randos
Thanks, Dennis.  That's great news.
I'm hopeful that PCH Randos will be able to go ahead and run the Pine Mountain/Lockwood 300k in April next year.

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Dennis Peterson

Dec 17, 2023, 11:49:02 PM12/17/23
to PCH Randos
Good News! Hwy 33 repairs and re-opening had been pushed back to "sometime in the first quarter of 2024." But, now it sounds like Caltrans made the choice to reopen sooner, using one lane traffic and stop lights on at least one stretch. The road will be open to traffic (and bicycles) starting Monday the 18th!

Patrick C

Dec 18, 2023, 9:16:09 AM12/18/23
to dennis.m...@gmail.com, PCH Randos
Five stop lights for one-way traffic between the Matilija dam and Pine Mountain Summit, three occur between Matilija and Rose Valley.  They estimated waits of 10-30 minutes per light.  They also suggested if one was driving to Pine Mtn from Ojai, to budget in ~90 extra minutes.

Sounds like it will be slow going regardless of mode of transport.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 17, 2023, at 11:49 PM, Dennis Peterson <dennis.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

Good News! Hwy 33 repairs and re-opening had been pushed back to "sometime in the first quarter of 2024." But, now it sounds like Caltrans made the choice to reopen sooner, using one lane traffic and stop lights on at least one stretch. The road will be open to traffic (and bicycles) starting Monday the 18th!

Brook Henderson

Dec 18, 2023, 1:26:46 PM12/18/23
to conn...@gmail.com, dennis.m...@gmail.com, PCH Randos
And the lights are timed for car speeds.
Downhill we can travel at car speeds, but not uphill...
If that's the case, we'll need more detail about the one-way closures to know if it's safe for bikes traveling north from Ojai to Lockwood Valley. 
Would it be possible to run the loop in reverse?


Mike Sturgill

Dec 18, 2023, 1:39:54 PM12/18/23
to pch-r...@googlegroups.com
Brook asked: Would it be possible to run the loop in reverse?

To which I respond: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please!

Kerin Huber

Dec 18, 2023, 2:14:45 PM12/18/23
to mikest...@cox.net, pch-r...@googlegroups.com
Clearly someone needs to scout this out.  Brook??  Terri??

Kerin Huber

Dec 18, 2023, 2:17:09 PM12/18/23
to mikest...@cox.net, pch-r...@googlegroups.com
In my opinion , running in reverse would take away the main feature of the ride- the slow, beautiful climb up the 33.

Brook Henderson

Dec 18, 2023, 9:45:58 PM12/18/23
to kerin...@gmail.com, mikest...@cox.net, pch-r...@googlegroups.com
FWIW, there was a one-lane closure on CA 33 like this many years ago when Planet Ultra was hosting the Tour of Two Forests double century. The permit granting agency wouldn't allow the ride to ascend the 33 due to the riders' speed being so much slower than the auto traffic that the lights were calibrated to accommodate. But they would allow us to descend the road. So the ride was run in reverse. I very much prefer the reverse ToTF loop to the traditional way. (Sorry Mike!) 

Give it a month and then contact the folks at The Mob Shop in Ojai. They should know the conditions on CA 33. 


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