Pessach Minyanim

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Passaic-Clifton Ashkenaz

Mar 30, 2015, 4:11:28 PM3/30/15

Dear Members,

We are interested in having minyanim on the nights of Pessach. Please reply if you are able to commit to attending any or all of the following:

  • First Night of Pessach (Friday, April 3)
  • Second Night of Pessach (Saturday, April 4)
  • Seventh Night of Pessach (Thursday, April 9)
  • Eighth Night of Pessach  (Friday, April 10)

Please also reply if you are unable to attend (so that we can be sure you received this e-mail).

Thank you for your help.


The Committee

Passaic-Clifton Ashkenaz

Apr 2, 2015, 7:35:09 PM4/2/15
Dear Members,
As not enough people confirmed their attendance for the first days, we will not be having a minyan tomorrow or Shabbos nights. However, there is still time to reply regarding the last days of Pessach. Please reply (if you have not already done so) and let us know your availability for the last days of yom tov. 

We wish you all a chag kosher v'someiach.
Bau gut!

The Committee
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