PBCore Field Survey

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Rebecca Fraimow

Jan 10, 2024, 1:13:43 PMJan 10
to pbcor...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

As we close out our current PBCore Education and Training Project, we are running a survey to help us direct attention and energy towards future PBCore efforts. As members of the PBCore community, we'd really appreciate if you completed this survey to help us identify which activities would provide the greatest utility to the greatest number of users.

Thanks so much for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Rebecca Fraimow

Jan 17, 2024, 3:23:02 PMJan 17
to pbcor...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Just a reminder that if you are a PBCore user or have any interest in future develoments of the standard, please complete the PBCore Field Survey, available here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNp6RIdYZdWc5G47UsV5RfufUPmO6t-vN3aFOdlbhLd7mHaw/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you are able to respond by next Monday (1/22) we would really appreciate it! 

We're hoping to schedule a general PBCore meeting on Zoom for 1/29, and will discuss the results of the survey at that time. Even if you aren't able to fill out the survey, please let me know if you'd like to receive call-in information for the meeting, and I'll be happy to share it with you.

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