Update today - Version 2.00.02

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Cynthia Heyman

Mar 5, 2023, 11:38:00 AM3/5/23
to pawtapbh...@googlegroups.com
For those who have purchased Version 2, you should get a new download link today with the most recent updates.

Version 2.00.02, build 20230304.030 - Last Updated: Sunday 03-05-202

This includes the following:
  • A fix to the payment report, it wasn't calculating correctly.
  • Under the Maintenance button at the bottom of the home page,  I added a fix for the wait list and pulled runs button not being set correctly.  There was one build I released where these were not working properly.  They *should* be working properly in all future releases, but if you entered any runs on that buggy release, those flags will not be set right.  Now if you go to the maintenance menu and press the "Fix Wait List And Pulled Flags" It will go through all the runs in all your events and set any unset flags to false.  I recommend everyone runs this button just to make sure they are all set right. :)
There may be some other small changes that I write i the Update Log that you can view after you install the new version.

Remember to ALWAYS back up your database before you do a new installation.  

Under Database Maintenace from the home page, - Backkup Database - Export Database for Backup.  It will create a JSON file you can save anywhere on your hard drive.  You may not need to import that file after you install an update, but make sure you always back up.

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