Paul's Grains will be in DSM Nov. 22-23

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Paul's Grains

Nov 16, 2013, 8:41:20 PM11/16/13
Greetings to all of you!

We are preparing for the indoor farmer's market in Des Moines next weekend at the Capital Square--November 22 & 23. We have a lot of milling to do between now and then. If any of you would like to place an order for us to bring along, now is the time to do so. We will be located not far from the top of the escalator in the Capital Square Building. We are going to attend the Friday market from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and the Saturday market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We are scheduled to be at the December 13 & 14 market there also.

It seems like it has been a long time since our last letter. I guess it has been a little over two months now. So much has been going on here on the farm that the time flew by. We have all our crops in from the fields and the field work is coming to an end for the winter. We have just a little more plowing to do. There is some more firewood needed to keep us warm throughout the winter months and we would like to build more on our new granary. We will have to see how the weather cooperates. We saw our first snowflakes last week, but they didn't stay around long and it was back up to 60 today. It was a blessing to have it so warm, however it's to cool back down in another day or so.

We had an abundant apple crop this year, so we were able to press a lot of apple cider during October. We were thankful for all those who volunteered to help with the picking, washing, trimming, and pressing of the apples. We froze some, so if you are in the area and want a taste let us know when you are stopping by so we can thaw some out! The cows enjoyed cleaning up the apples that were left on the ground.

We will be butchering some calves in January, so now is a good time to give us a call to reserve some for your freezer. It will probably be ready around mid-February. In March or thereabouts, we should have some hogs ready for market, too. The sooner you get your order in the better so you won't miss out.

Also, for anyone who might be interested, we have some einkorn grain (an older variety of wheat) that we can sell whole or mill into flour. Research seems to be indicating that part of the reason for so many people having wheat allergies is because of all the tampering that has been done to the wheat berries to increase yields in the fields has compromised the quality of the grain, making it harder for our bodies to digest it. Therefore we have gotten some calls about einkorn and other older wheat varieties. It you would like to try some, let us know.

We will look forward to seeing all of you who can make it to the market next weekend.  : )

(for the Paul family)

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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