FYI: my post on the Planet blog

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Yishay Mor

Aug 2, 2008, 1:14:30 PM8/2/08
I've also created a workspace. Register and I'll give you edit rights:

Out of EuroPLoP

Posted by yishaym on August 2, 2008

EuroPLoP 2008 was probably the most fun I've ever had a conference. Imagine - strictly no powerpoint, no wireless, lots of games and an inexhaustible supply of beer. Ah, yes - EuroPLoP is the European member of the PLoPs family of conferences, which have been the primary meeting points of the design patterns community for nearly 20 years.

Funny thing, how social scientists will stand before a hall full of neatly packed passive listeners and preach about collaborative constructivist learning, while the computer scientists just do it. At EuroPLoP (and I imagine all other PLoPs) you don't present a paper. You offer it to a workgroup, which will then discuss it seriously, in a supportive yet ruthlessly critical atmosphere, for an hour or so while you play "fly on the wall". It's an amazingly intensive learning experience, on both sides.

EuroPLoP 2008 also leaves ample space and time for the real work of conferencing, the stuff that can't be captured in predefined structure, because it emerges out of the discussions at the time and place. There's BOFs, focus groups, walks, swims, and well, yes - lots of beer.

Two of the discussions I was invloved in are starting to take on a life of their own, and both are strongly related to what we're doing here at Planet.

The workgroup I attended was focused on Pedagogical Patterns. The discussions there were so lively, and the sense of common commitment so strong, that we felt we simply can't let it end there. We're thinking of various initiatives to take on together over the coming months. You can have a look at the groups space and mailing list.

Over BOFs and dinners some of us started discussing the various attempts to develop repositories, editors and other tools for creating, managing and sharing patterns. We all agreed on the need to coordinate efforts and work towards interoperability. This led to an ongoing discussion, which now also has its work space and mailing list.

Tune in, and see you at EuroPLoP 2009!

Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737

Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737
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