Mine from the Web with specific string!

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Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς

Feb 3, 2016, 4:16:03 PM2/3/16
to Pattern
Hello there!

from pattern.web import Bing, SEARCH, plaintext

engine = Bing(license=None) # Enter your license key.
for i in range(1,2):
    for result in engine.search('keyword ', type=SEARCH, start=i):
        print repr(plaintext(result.title))
        print (result.text)

Sooo with this code I have managed to take the top searches from the web regarding the keyword. Although, result text that I have stored inside variable kind prints a summary of the text. I want to mine the whole text. Is this possible?

Can you give me a help with that?
Thank you in advance!
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