[Roll20/G+Hangout] MOD: Plunder & Peril, Part 3: Blk Crl Cove (T5-7): Sun, Mar 26, 2017 @ 4PM MDT/GM

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Feb 26, 2017, 1:54:11 PM2/26/17
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
THIS IS PART OF A 3-PART SERIES which ("spoiler alert") has a nice "benefit" for those characters who complete all three. Preference will be given to those players that can play all three. Please make certain your schedule is clear on those days. If you wish to be considered for only part of the series, please let me know and you'll be waitlisted in order. I have slotted these sessions for 6 hours, however, I believe they can take less than that much time. Just in case, be prepared for the maximum time. Thank you!

On the island of Warvil’s Folly, the PCs must venture deep into the abandoned outpost of Ghoral-Rey as they chase to claim Redclaw’s treasure.

Please sign up on WARHORN.

If you need to drop out, please be courteous enough to drop by Withdrawing from the session (as soon as you know) on Warhorn so an Alternate can move up on the play list.

After signing up, please send me the following information at bgoldstein14[at]hotmail[dot]com:
*Player Name 
*Character Name 
*Character Class/Level 
*PFS # 
*Lighting used by character 
*Attach token


Feb 26, 2017, 1:56:41 PM2/26/17
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Start time is 4PM MDT/GMT-6
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