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[Roll20/Discord] PFS 8-99: The Solstice Star (Version B) Tier 5-6 Sat 7/4 2-7pm (GMT+12)

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Densial Edmonds

Mar 20, 2018, 3:40:41 AM3/20/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
I will be running the following via Discord and Roll20

PFS 8-99: The Solstice Star (Version B) Tier 5-6 
Sat 7/4 2-7pm (GMT+12) at New Zealand Pathfinder Society Online

This is version B, replayable because it has some different content to version A.

This will be run as part of PrezCon in Auckland, the online game will be run from the same location as the irl tables.

Sign up here, or email me densial[at]densial[dot]com if you have any issues
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