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Interest Gauge: The Consortium Compact (1-2)

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Aug 20, 2018, 10:17:31 AM8/20/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Hi, I'm willing to GM a few games if people can live without Discord. I'm rather open on time too starting Friday.

Would people be interested in this?

The first person to actually suggest a time (timezone too please) will likely form the basis of when the game would be set.

I'm also considering running We Be Goblins, We Be Goblins Too and other things in the future.

The Mad Professor

Aug 21, 2018, 10:40:33 AM8/21/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Were you planning on using some other voice app like Hangout or that built-in to Roll20? If you aren't planning on using voice at all, that isn't a deal-breaker, just would like to know ahead of time to build macros to speed things up.

Timewise, I'm pretty flexible. Just about any time between noon and 2AM EDT most days works for me. 

On Monday, August 20, 2018 at 10:17:31 AM UTC-4, wrote:voice app in Roll20

Aug 21, 2018, 11:24:27 AM8/21/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
I have used both Roll20 and Google Hangouts. Usually I use Hangouts since one regular player had a (Linux I believe) computer that didn't like Roll20's voice but handled hangouts fine. If no one objects to Hangouts I will likely default to it.

Wow you are very flexible. Starting Friday I can start a game any of those times as well. 

Since you are the first response, did you have a favorite? Else I might wait a day to see if a second reply has a more narrow window. As the first response you could even decide you like Goblins, or another of the tier 1-2 evergreens better. I'd have enough time to prep.

The Mad Professor

Aug 21, 2018, 3:43:38 PM8/21/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Hangouts is fine as far as I'm concerned. I actually used it for a game just last Sunday. Being semi-retired, yes my schedule is fairly flexible unless I have students (I work part time as a tutor) or doctor appts. That said, this Thursday is out as I'm going to see Rifftrax at the theater (if you don't know what that is, think MST3K but in the theaters instead on on TV. If you don't know what MST3K is either, you have been missing out big-time.) This coming weekend is wide open at the moment tho and right now I only have 1:30-3 Monday booked for next week.

Aug 21, 2018, 7:08:14 PM8/21/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Alright, with no one else chiming in I guess I'll pick the last time I ran a game.

How does 7:30 EDT pm to begin gathering sound? I say "to begin gathering" because there is always a chunk of time decided to tokens and such.

I will post an official looking for players in a short while. It will come with a sign up sheet in which you are pre-slotted to fill in PC 1. I'm hoping the firm set time will attract a few players just lurking and watching.

Aug 21, 2018, 7:10:06 PM8/21/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Forgot to mention, Friday 7:30 pm EDT. Trying to finish building the Roll20 room ahead of time.

Aug 24, 2018, 5:42:39 PM8/24/18
to Pathfinder Society Online Collective
Sent a private message before, not sure it it worked since Google Groups is still somewhat new to me. This game is called off. I'll offer something later this week Wednesday or Thursday. Unless you had suggestions for something that is -not- a 7-11 I'll pick a random thing I already ran.
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