Hi everyone,
I'm still at the beginning of a POC (proof of concept) I am doing for my needs, but I again say PAT is totally awesome!!
So far, I push my automation process when hosting P2P session on HF using VARA with Florida W4AKH Winlink net to a step further.
By using a task scheduler, like CRON for Linux or Task Scheduler embedded within Windows, I call my own script to automate band changes, filters setting, and even tuning the antenna for my Icom IC-7300.
Just as an example of my QSY script that I'm currently writing for my needs... I'm running Windows 11 at this moment, but a Linux version can be easily done.
I'm using Hamlib to control my 7300 and a command called PLINK that comes with Putty to send command over TCP.... similar to NETCAT under Linux.
@echo off
echo Setting Winlink P2P session on %1 ...
if [%1] == [] goto :error
echo QSY on %1
echo F %1 | plink -raw -P 4532 > nul:
echo QSY Done!
echo Set mode to USB-D and Filter 3 (narrow)...
echo w \0xFE\0xFE\0x94\0xE0\0x26\0x00\0x01\0x01\0x03\0xFD | plink -raw -P 4532 > nul:
echo Mode and filter set!
echo Set AGC Fast...
echo w \0xFE\0xFE\0x94\0xE0\0x16\0x12\0x01\0xFD | plink -raw -P 4532 > nul:
echo AGC set !
echo Tuning transceiver...
echo w \0xFE\0xFE\0x94\0xE0\0x1C\0x01\0x02\0xFD | plink -raw -P 4532 > nul:
echo Tuned!
echo Setting P2P session done!
goto :end
echo Frequency missing !!!
echo Usage : QSY {frequency}
echo frequency = MMKKKHHH Ex. 7090000 = 7.090.000 on 40m
Hopefully, I use a doublet antenne using a modifed Icom AH-4. So I can virtually tune everything without being nervous, even when I am not at home.
This is an example of my connect script for my IC-7300. I always keep an opened Window to send manually command, just in case, while RIGCTLD is running in the background; then killing the process when quitting.
@echo off
echo IIIII CCCCC 7777777 333333 00000 00000
echo III CC C 777 3333 00 00 00 00
echo III CC _____ 777 3333 00 00 00 00
echo III CC C 777 333 00 00 00 00
echo IIIII CCCCC 777 333333 00000 00000
echo Connected !
start /b rigctld -m 3073 -r COM5 -s 19200 -c 0x94 -t 4532 -v
timeout /t 2 /nobreak > nul:
rigctl -m 2 -r
taskkill /IM rigctld.exe /F > nul:
echo IIIII CCCCC 7777777 333333 00000 00000
echo III CC C 777 3333 00 00 00 00
echo III CC _____ 777 3333 00 00 00 00
echo III CC C 777 333 00 00 00 00
echo IIIII CCCCC 777 333333 00000 00000
echo Disonnected !
There is an example of Windows Task Scheduler that I use to call my QSY script at specific time.
I will even write a Python script soon to generate XML file that will be easily imported within Windows Task Scheduler with P2P time period, frequency value, etc...
There is ssooooooooo much potential here when using PAT !!! OMG :-)
Have a great Field Day!
73 de Jeff VA2SS