?? webob.Response and environ

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Thomas G. Willis

May 4, 2012, 6:12:16 PM5/4/12
to paste...@googlegroups.com
tldr: in 1.1 Response.environ had stuff in it, in 1.2b3 it no longer does.

Now the why....

For a while appengine's sdk has been heavily dependent on webob <= 1.1.1 for some of it's "magic"  one being the webapp framework which you dont *have* to use, but I believe the blobstore handlers also used it.

A couple of months ago I managed to mock what I needed of blobstore's handlers  in order to test everything in the application at our day job. One of the sticky points is that blobstores api gives you a magic url that has a url to redirect to (internally) after the file has been uploaded. I was able to accomplish this by stuffing a new Request in the responses environ, and a little piece of middleware would look out for that and forward it along.

Here's the middleware

def next_request_middleware(global_conf, environ_key="next_request", max_requests=10):
    this piece is for making internal requests.

    it looks for"next_request" in the environ which should hold a webob request to pass to the internal application.

    the app that gets wrapped better have specific urls, otherwise
    this stuff could blow the stack
    def _filter(app):
        def _app(environ, start_response):
            res = Request(environ).get_response(app)
            request_count = 0
            while request_count < max_requests \
                      and environ_key in res.environ \
                      and isinstance(res.environ[environ_key], Request):
                res = res.environ[environ_key].get_response(app)
                request_count += 1
            return res(environ, start_response)
        return _app
    return _filter

And the relevant code in the mock upload handler....

                environ[next_request_key] = Request.blank(success_path,
                                                 body_file=cStringIO.StringIO(content_text), method="POST")

                response = Response(status=200, body="forwarding to %s" % environ[next_request_key].path)
                return response(environ, start_response)

So again under 1.1.1 this worked, and the request would make it to the handler etc.... but under 1.2b3 environ is None. I see from the release notes that the environ attribute was undeprecated. I also see that __call__ returns _app_iter instead of self. I also realize that use of middleware to do something like this is probably frowned upon by some, however keep in mind I am mocking an API that I have to live with that some would frown upon anyway. :)

Any suggestions on how I could accomplish this without relying on the environ? stuffing it in a header seems hackish but maybe no worse than what I'm already doing. 

Sergey Schetinin

May 4, 2012, 10:38:39 PM5/4/12
to Thomas G. Willis, paste...@googlegroups.com
I seems to me that you can simply replace res.environ with environ, is
there a reason that wouldn't work?
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Thomas G. Willis

May 5, 2012, 8:51:42 AM5/5/12
to paste...@googlegroups.com, Thomas G. Willis
OH Geez. Thanks Sergey. You are right of course. I should have seen that. 
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