Citizens United for 10 Years

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nick bokron

Jan 27, 2020, 7:00:43 PM1/27/20

  Hi All,

          The Citizens United decision, on Tuesday January 21st, had been handed down to us exactly 10 years prior. We at PassMassAmendment turned in our 2020 petition language based on amending the MA Constitution based on “Corporations are not People, Money is not Speech” at about 3pm on that questionable anniversary.

          The Citizens United decision had continued the relentless push by corporations and the rich to control the political process and in effect make it that no matter how hard we try we can not get the issues that are most important to us to be addressed to our satisfaction. Until we end the corrupting influence of corporations and big money out of the political process we will not be effectively represented by our legislators. Climate Change/ Environment, Wars, Health Care… will continue not to be addressed to our satisfaction.

          We are returning to our roots. As stated above, we will be working on our Amendment once again. Language attached. With this being a presidential election year and because of the occupant of the White House, we expect a huge turnout on Election Day. Petitioning at a polling place is the easiest. Everyone is from the same City/ Town and are registered voters. The only issue can be the weather. We are asking all of you for your HELP. If we do not do it this year it could be our last. 

           We met in the Occupy movement and our effort reflects the values of Occupy. No one gets paid. We are all volunteers. We do not ask for money, but, we are now asking for your participation in what could be our last effort. 

         If we can speak to your group or organization, please let us know. If you are willing to participate in our Election Day efforts, please let us know. If you know of any that are willing to help, please put us in contact.

         Our Thanx to All Making an Effort. We are Back.


                         Nick Bokron


                         781 715 7822

                         P. O. Box 74,  Nahant 01908

2020 Corps... Signers.pdf
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