May 2016 Urgent Request - Call Your Legislator before May 18*

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May 4, 2016, 4:47:11 PM5/4/16
to PMAAnnounce, passmassaction@googleg - Moving Forward in 2016

“Corporations are not People. Money is not Speech.”


URGENT Call to Action for S-53 and H-933

We know that you are as passionate about getting BIG MONEY OUT of POLITICS as we are; and NOW, we are asking YOU to show and voice your passion!

We at PMA are asking every one of you to please call/e-mail your Ma Legislators this week (prior to Wed. May 18*) and urge a vote in favor of a Legislative State Amendment. PMA believes that the current bills will begin the process of clarifying that the term “individual” in our Constitution means a human being and curbing the influence of Big Money in Politics.
Your Elected Officials need to hear from YOU! Yes, call them, again, even if they already support these bills.  If your Representative and Senator don’t hear from you, again this week and next, Bills S-53 and H-933 may not be heard this session. Make them realize that this is a priority for you and for them! Remember, they work for you and represent your interests.

May 18th* could be our LAST CHANCE to see these Bills brought to up for a vote this year; or they may not be able to proceed to the State ballot in 2018. A majority of Legislators must vote in favor of one of these bills this session to allow for a State Amendment declaring “Corporations are not People. Money is not Speech.” to appear on the ballot before 2020. PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW!


Here is what you can do, today:


1- Find your elected official by city-town here:

2- House & Senate contact info:

3- Find a sample script here (and below):


4- Call or e-mail the officials in your district before Wed.  May 18th*

5- Add you name to the Statement of Support:

6- Share this announcement and your action with your friends and neighbors.


Meet at the State House - Show your Support for these Bills on May 18th*

Public Event - *MA State Constitutional Convention* - 1 pm; Wed. May 18th, House Chambers

Re-convening of the State Constitutional Convention (Part V)

  - *better known as the "ConCon" - in which proposed Amendments to the State Constitution are brought to the House Floor in Joint Session with the Senate members for consideration.

ACTION:  Gather at 12:45 pm; Wednesday, May 18th - House Gallery (4th Fl.) of the State House

Wear your PMA Tee! and RSVP!! PassMassAmendmentPSA @ if you intend to join PMA at the State House.

Bills on the calendar:

S_53 <> or

H_933 <>  

Both bills are on the calendar; however the Fair Share Amendment may dominate the Joint Session, none-the-less, your presence is valuable. If debate does not result in a vote, we anticipate that the ConCon will convene one last time, to conclude the business on the calendar.


Please RSVP if you intend to join PMA at the State House, so that we may welcome you.


Watertown Free Public Library, 2nd floor;
123 Main St, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 (MBTA & Free Parking)
Details of meeting location and agenda posted here:

*June* PMA Monthly Meeting - Sunday, June 12th, 1:30-4:40 pm;
Watertown Free Public Library; 123 Main St, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472


Be a part of the NEW PMA SHAWG (State House Action Working Group)


The PMA State House Action Working Group (SHAWG) meets monthly in the MA State House to advocate and promote PMA's mission and to support companion legislation, such as S_53 and H_933.

All are welcome to join this newly formed WG, meet with legislators, call and write in support of our mission to get the corrupting influence of BIG $$$ out of our political process!

Please contact us if you are interested in joining us at the State House.




  • Make your Voice Heard - link to Script for your call or letter - see sample below:

NOW is the BEST POSSIBLE political climate to GET $$$$ OUT OF POLITICS, starting right HERE in MASSACHUSETTS!



Thank you for being a part of this critical grassroots movement,


PMA State House Liaison

“Corporations are not People. Money is not Speech.”

Sample Telephone Script/Letter

Massachusetts State House

Boston, MA 02133

May, 2016

The Honorable <name of MA Representative or Senator>;

As your constituent, I am asking you to do whatever you can to support and promote two proposed amendments I very much believe are critical for our democracy -  H 933 & S 53. Both proposed State Constitutional Legislative Amendments clarify t hat our current State document says corporations are not people; money is not speech. Lead sponsors are MA Representatives Dave Rogers (Cambridge) & Paul Mark (Peru) and MA Senator Kenneth Donnelly (Arlington.)

The people of Massachusetts are being adversely impacted by the corrupting influence that ever growing sums of money have in our elections. Our voices are being muffled by the ability of corporations and a few wealthy elite to flood enormous sums of money into the promotion or defeat of public policy and for or against those who choose to run for public office, We need campaign finance REFORM, now. “BIG MONEY” in politics has been so destructive to Our Republic that the 2016 Presidential Candidates of both major parties are including this pivotal issue in their campaigns. Successful passage of H-933 and S-53 could encourage other States to stand with Massachusetts in the call for reform of our electoral campaign and political finance process, and the constitutional protections currently enjoyed by those with corp orate status.

I ask you to ensure that the bills receive a favorable vote this spring. Please, speak with your colleagues and encourage them to support H-933 and S-53, and get this amendment “to the floor.” As you well know, money in political campaigns has reached outrageous proportions, and without a vote this session, the people of the Commonwealth will have to wait at least four years to vote on this critical issue.

I expect these bills be heard on Wednesday, MAY 18th 2016, in the next Joint Session. It is extremely important that you take action and join with your colleagues to show your strong support for a representational democracy and reflect the will of your constituents with these two State Constitutional amendments.

Thank you for all that you have already done and will do to support our democratic process.



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