Passive aggressive blog, I was united and married to a Passive aggessive man for 24 years and will vent myself over a glass of wine (Go where you are celebrated, never tolerated, My personal experienced quote). The real truth is that is is a camafloge for fear of expression and a full control to keep others as the sole responsible party which means.....safely keeping others as the enemy towards in-to-me-see and growth,!!!!!!!!! It never will work....for perfect love casts out all fear and this is a way for the PA's to stay selfish and unwilling to stand up and unify with another but still keep the act of perfection to the outside spectator up that they are superior and not fellow humors that need to give an account to correct mistakes, such a cop-out!!!! No wonder it is like a slithering snake that stays underground untill it is taken out by the neck by another being careful towards truth at any cost....I hate the results of the exposure to the
sting, although that is the omly wat out...One must do it by courage and letting go of all selfishness, no matter the cost...It always will be a cost for the warrior that is willing to be true to relationships that are good, healthy and growing...For what is not producing is dieing and has nothing to give except more death....Done with the glass of wine for now, Desert wo-man on purpose....