PASS in IOI's Infra Finder

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Bill Branan

non lue,
25 avr. 2024, 15:41:3225 avr.
à 'Bill Branan' via pass-general
Hello PASS community,

I hope you are all doing well.

This week Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI), a non-profit organization working to increase investment in and adoption of open infrastructure, officially launched a new tool called Infra Finder. The Infra Finder tool is designed to be the go-to resource for anyone navigating the complex landscape of infrastructure services and standards enabling open research and scholarship. I'm pleased to announce that PASS was selected to be included in the launch! You can find the PASS entry in the Infra Finder here: Public Access Submission System | Infra Finder (

IOI is also hosting a pair of (identical) webinars next week to share the background and design principles that went into the creation of the Infra Finder. If you're interested, you'll find additional details here:

Bill Branan
Hodson Director
Digital Research & Curation Center / Open Source Programs Office
Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
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