PASS release version 0.5.0

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Timothy Sanders

Apr 28, 2023, 2:55:34 PM4/28/23

The PASS team is happy to announce the release of version 0.5.0. For this release, we added the metadata schema service and the policy service API. The metadata schema service provides JSON schemas for repository metadata requirements. The policy service API determines the policies applicable to a given submission, as well as the repositories that a submission must be deposited into. We continued our release automations to included pass acceptance testing and pass docker.

Our next release, version 0.6.0, is scheduled to be completed at the end of May. That release will fully integrate the pass policy service. The next release will also focus on data loaders to load data into PASS. These loaders include the grant, journal and nihms data loaders. In addition, PASS data requirements for institutions will be documented.

For more information about this or any previous release, please see our release notes. Our plans for upcoming releases can be seen on our roadmap.

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