PASS release version 0.3.0

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John Abrahams

Mar 8, 2023, 2:15:22 PM3/8/23
to pass-general
The PASS team is happy to announce the release of version 0.3.0. For this release, we added a backend service for handling manuscript and related files that users will attach to their submissions, and we introduced automation to make future releases much simpler to publish.

Our next release, version 0.4.0, is scheduled to be completed at the end of March. That release will be to add several backend services for determining which policies and metadata apply to user submissions. These services, along with the file service introduced in version 0.3.0, will be connected to the UI, enabling the full user driven portion of the PASS submission workflow.

For more information about this or any previous release, please see our release notes. Our plans for upcoming releases can be seen on our roadmap.
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