GFF3 compatibility error

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Maria Stager

May 25, 2023, 12:00:08 PM5/25/23
to pasapipeline-users
Hi Brian,

I apologize for the extremely basic nature of this question but hopefully it is quick: I would like to update an existing annotation (Junco hyemalis) and so I'm first validating the format of the gff3. I receive the following error when I use the validator tool:

$~/bin/PASA/misc_utilities/ /Jhye_annotation.gff3

Fatal Error: cannot parse ID from entry

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa CDS 5161 5233 . - 0 Parent=Jhye_g00001.1 at /bin/PASA/misc_utilities/ line 58, <$fh> line 6.

Is the problem simply that all features need an ID attribute? My understanding of gff3 format (i.e., suggests that the format is acceptable but several features have only Parent IDs, so perhaps it is not. 

head -10 /Jhye_annotation.gff3

##gff-version 3

#SOFTWARE INFO: GeMoMaPipeline 1.7.1; SIMPLE PARAMETERS: species: pre-extracted; ID: zfinch; weight: 1.0; species: pre-extracted; ID: chicken; weight: 1.0; ID: braker; weight: 1.0; annotation evidence: true; tblastn: false; tag: mRNA; RNA-seq evidence: NO; denoise: DENOISE; DenoiseIntrons.maximum intron length: 15000; DenoiseIntrons.minimum expression: 0.01; DenoiseIntrons.context: 10; Extractor.upcase IDs: false; false; Extractor.Ambiguity: AMBIGUOUS; Extractor.discard pre-mature stop: true; Extractor.stop-codon excluded from CDS: false; Extractor.full-length: true; GeMoMa.reads: 1; GeMoMa.splice: true; opening: 11; extension: 1; GeMoMa.maximum intron length: 15000; GeMoMa.static intron length: true; GeMoMa.intron-loss-gain-penalty: 25; GeMoMa.e-value: 100.0; GeMoMa.contig threshold: 0.4; GeMoMa.region threshold: 0.9; GeMoMa.hit threshold: 0.9; GeMoMa.predictions: 10; GeMoMa.avoid stop: true; GeMoMa.approx: true; GeMoMa.protein alignment: true; GeMoMa.prefix: ; GeMoMa.timeout: 3600; GeMoMa.Score: ReAlign; GAF.common border filter: 0.75; GAF.maximal number of transcripts per gene: 2147483647; GAF.default attributes: tie,tde,tae,iAA,pAA,score; GAF.filter: start=='M' and stop=='*' and (isNaN(score) or score/aa>=0.75); GAF.sorting: evidence,score; GAF.alternative transcript filter: tie==1 or evidence>1; AnnotationFinalizer.UTR: NO; AnnotationFinalizer.rename: SIMPLE; AnnotationFinalizer.prefix: Jhye_g; AnnotationFinalizer.digits: 5; attribute: false; predicted proteins: true; predicted CDSs: true; predicted genomic regions: false; output individual predictions: false; debug: true; restart: false; BLAST_PATH: ; MMSEQS_PATH: 

##sequence-region SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 1 9096

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GAF gene 3273 5233 . - . ID=Jhye_g00001;transcripts=1;complete=1;maxEvidence=1;combinedEvidence=1

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa mRNA 3273 5233 . - . ID=Jhye_g00001.1;ref-gene=chicken_gene-RPTC15L;aa=104;score=292;ce=4;rce=4;pAA=0.6769;iAA=0.5769;nps=0;start=M;stop=*;evidence=1;Parent=Jhye_g00001;sumWeight=1.0;

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa CDS 5161 5233 . - 0 Parent=Jhye_g00001.1

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa CDS 4602 4651 . - 2 Parent=Jhye_g00001.1

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa CDS 4181 4289 . - 0 Parent=Jhye_g00001.1

SclofgA_1__HRSCAF___1 GeMoMa CDS 3273 3352 . - 2 Parent=Jhye_g00001.1

##sequence-region SclofgA_4__HRSCAF___4 1 33198 

Thank you for your help!


Brian Haas

May 30, 2023, 8:28:09 AM5/30/23
to Maria Stager, pasapipeline-users
Hi Maria,

In our EVM software toolkit, we have a converter for GeMoMa that might give you the gff3 formatting that PASA would accept and would validate:

You could try installing EVM and then running the above script that's included.



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Brian J. Haas
The Broad Institute


Maria Stager

May 30, 2023, 1:11:37 PM5/30/23
to pasapipeline-users
Ah, amazing! Of course you already had designed a fix. That did the trick! 

You're wonderful! 

Thank you,

Brian Haas

May 30, 2023, 1:23:36 PM5/30/23
to Maria Stager, pasapipeline-users
Great to hear!  :-)

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