LAJUG - Nov 4 @7:00pm - Little Tokyo - Delivering Quality Software with Modern Unit Testing Techniques

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Don Corley

2014年11月3日 16:02:362014/11/3
PJUG Members

LAJUG is meeting tomorrow at OPodz in Little Tokyo, 362 E 2nd St, Los Angeles, CA 90012. We network from 6:30pm. Meeting starts at 7:00pm. Take the Gold Line to Little Tokyo Station.

Topic:  Delivering Quality Software with Modern Unit Testing Techniques

Speaker:  Marco Villalobos

Abstract:  All non-trivial software has bugs. How can a developer leverage modern unit testing technologies to deliver higher quality software to quality assurance? This presentation reveals some of the techniques that I have learned over the years. We will cover how to write testable software, how to mock components, how to use code-coverage, unit testing recipes, as well as some of the recommended practices for writing unit tests.
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