Partners Issue # 109

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G K Lim

Oct 17, 2005, 3:11:00 AM10/17/05
            __/= p a r t n e r s =\__
Dedicated to the personal and professional development of PMEE’s -- professionals, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs -- everywhere.
Issue # 109
Seventh year in publication
Since July 1, 1998
Current number of subscribers: 2,805
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Past issues:
[1]  Editor's Corner
[2]  Personal Development Article
[3]  Business Development Article
[4]  Attitude Vitamins
[5]  Stress Buster
[6]  Feel Good Classic
[7]  Chop Suey Rojak
[8]  Sponsors’ Messages
It's the season to rejoice.  The Hindus celebrate Diwali and the Muslims observe the fasting month of Ramadan as well as the Hari Raya Aidilfitri.  And the non-Hindus and the non-Muslims join in the celebrations as well.
The rainy season came late this year.  It's rain, rain, rain outside there.  A great time to work on this issue of "Partners."
Margaret Paul, Ph.D., in her articles "Managing Loneliness," says "My experience from 37 years of counseling individuals and couples is that most of the problems from which people suffer stem from how they handle the events of life, rather than the events themselves."  Read more in our Personal Development Article section.
And the Business Development article is on selling, "3 Ways To Increase Your Sales" by Charlie Cook
We have the usual goodies that will help you in your journey in life.
Enjoy issue # 109!
G K Lim < >
Editor / Publisher
Managing Loneliness
by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Inner Bonding
My experience from 37 years of counseling individuals and couples is that most of the problems from which people suffer stem from how they handle the events of life, rather than the events themselves.
Certainly traumatic and tragic events such as loss of loved ones, financial loss, and health issues are extremely challenging. However, some people manage to move through these events with equanimity, while others remain stuck in fear, anxiety, and depression. The difference is in how people handle deeply painful feelings.
I have discovered that there are two core feelings that most people will do almost anything to avoid feeling: loneliness and helplessness.
Loneliness is an intense empty, sad, sinking or burning feeling within. This feeling can be triggered by four different situations:
1) Loss of a loved one.
2) Not having a partner, family or friends with whom to share time and love.
3) Being around others but being closed off to them.
4) Being around others when they are closed off to you.
Other than a traumatic loss, the latter is often the most challenging in everyday life, and this can occur throughout the day. For example, you walk into work happy and open. You greet your friend, and he or she barely responds to you. If you are truly open to your own feelings, you will feel a stab of loneliness. Yet most people are so closed off to this feeling that they immediately attempt to avoid the feeling with some kind of addictive behavior. They might grab a donut while shaming or blaming - telling themselves that they must have done something wrong or that their friend is a jerk. These addictive behaviors are geared to protect against feeling the pain of the loneliness. And they work for the moment to appease the feeling, but the feeling doesn't actually go away. It just goes deeper within and may eventually cause physical symptoms, such as back pain or some form of illness.
Helplessness is a similar feeling to loneliness - intense inner turmoil. In the example above, not only do you have the stab of loneliness, but you also feel the pain of helplessness over your friend's behavior. You cannot make him or her connect with you. However, because this is such a difficult feeling, you don't want to know that you cannot have control over another or over the outcome of things. To avoid knowing about your lack of control, you may shame yourself: "It's my fault. If I'm different, I can get others to be different." Or you might blame your friend, attempting to get him or her to change. Both shame and blame are attempts to avoid accepting helplessness over others.
Once you turn to addictive behaviors such as food, alcohol, drugs, activities, shame and blame, you have abandoned yourself. In attempting to avoid feeling the loneliness and helplessness, you have created inner aloneness - self-abandonment. Self-abandonment occurs when your intent is to avoid pain rather than lovingly attend to your authentic feelings. The combination of avoiding loneliness, helplessness and the aloneness that comes from inner abandonment can lead to anxiety, depression and despair. People then often turn to prescription drugs to further avoid their feelings.
Managing the feelings of loneliness and helplessness is not as hard as you may think it is. If you practice the following process, you will find that you do not need to use your various addictions to avoid pain.
1) Stay tuned into your body/feelings so that you know when you are feeling lonely or helpless. It's very important to be able to name the feeling, and it may take some time to recognize these feelings since you may have been avoiding them for so long.
2) Welcome and embrace the feelings, opening with deep compassion for these feelings. If you are connected with a spiritual Source of love and compassion, open to this Source and ask for help in being in compassion for the feelings.
3) Hold the feelings as you would a child who is hurting, with deep love and understanding. Just be with the feelings with deep acceptance of them for a few minutes.
4) Consciously be willing to release the feelings. Imagine the feelings of loneliness and helplessness moving through you and being released into the Universe - into Divine Love.
You will find that these painful feelings will quickly release if you practice these steps rather than abandon yourself in the face of painful events and experiences.
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone Sessions Available.
3 Ways To Increase Your Sales
by Charlie Cook
Marketing for Success
Last week I got a call from Jose, who was looking for help improving his ads. He'd been running the same ad in four local papers for two months and only gotten one response. He was understandably frustrated. With more than a dozen very satisfied clients, he knows that the residential property management services he and his brother provide should interest more people, but he wasn't having any success getting attention or generating leads.
Jose knew that to grow his business he'd need to do some marketing. He had a web site and was doing all the networking he could in addition to running his ads. Isn't this what he should be doing to attract more clients? Aren't advertising, web sites, mailings and networking what marketing is all about?
Webster's dictionary thinks so; it defines marketing as an aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer. In other words, marketing is a collection of activities. Is this how you think of it? Has approaching marketing with this mindset helped you increase your sales and pr0fits?
Think about it. You started your business to provide products or services that help people. You work long and hard for your clients to ensure they get what they want. You know that the more helpful you are to your clients, the more likely they'll be to hire you again and the more often they'll recommend you.
Your products and services are focused around your prospects' wants and needs. Focus your marketing on these wants and needs and that will guide your marketing activities.
Marketing is Helping Your Prospects Get What They Want.
Marketing is not about you. It is not building your brand name, (unless you're a Fortune 500 company and have the advertising budget to match). It is not convincing people to buy your products and services. It is not a group of activities that move goods and services. It is about your customers and what they want.
Working with Jose, I had shown him how to refocus his marketing on what his prospects were looking for. A few days ago Jose called me back to tell me about his experience with trying out this helping model of marketing. During a recent visit to Home Depot, he struck up a conversation with a prospect, Bob, who asked what Jose did. Instead of going through the litany of services his company provides, Jose said, 'We help landlords manage their properties more efficiently and make more money.'
That got Bob's attention; he wanted to know how Jose helped landlords. Jose briefly explained his company's services from the landlord's point of view. Bob asked for Jose's business card, so they could have a conversation about Jose managing Bob's 56 rental properties.
Whether you are crafting your advertising copy, elevator speech, or the copy for your web or print brochure, it should focus on what your prospects want. When your prospects see you as helping them instead of just trying to sell them, they'll be more likely to respond.
Want to help your prospects get what they want so you can increase your sales and profits? Focus your marketing on helping by doing the following three things.
* Regularly ask your prospects what they want, what their goals are and how you can help them.
* Use this information to shape your marketing copy.
* Describe in brief and in detail your clients concerns and how you help them on everything from your business card to your sales letters to your ads and to your web site.
When you focus your marketing on helping your prospects get what they want, you'll get what you want; more leads, more prospects and more clients.
2005 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved.
The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals, small business owners and marketing professionals attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up to receive the Free Marketing Strategy eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at
To err is human; to forgive, divine. -- Alexander Pope
Forgiveness is not an emotion, it's a decision. -- Randall Worley
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. -- Mahatma Gandhi
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. -- George Bernard Shaw
Everything you can imagine is real. -- Pablo Picasso
Faith means to believe that there are answers and to continue pressing on until answers arrive or are discovered. -- Cisco Wheeler
Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high. -- Jim Rohn
Remember that only liars swear they're telling the truth. -- Albert J Bernstean and Sydney Craft Rozen
The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holder's lack of rational conviction. -- Bertrand Russell
The trouble with many plans is that they are based on the way things are now. To be successful, your personal plan must focus on what you want, not what you have. -- Nido Qubein
Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human. -- Viktor Frankl
The most complicated achievements of thought are possible without the assistance of consciousness. -- Sigmund Freud
I don't subscribe to the thesis, 'Let the buyer beware,' I prefer the disregarded one that goes, 'Let the seller be honest.'" -- Isaac Asimov
It matters not how small the beginning may seem to be; what is once well done
is done forever. -- Henry David Thoreau

A tough old cowboy once counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a little gunpowder on his oatmeal every morning.
The grandson did this religiously and he lived to the age of 93.
When he died, he left 14 children, 28 grandchildren, 35 great grandchildren and a fifteen-foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.
A knight and his men return to their castle after a long hard day of fighting.
"How are we faring?" asks the king.
"Sire," replies the knight, "My men and I have been robbing and pillaging on your behalf all day, burning the towns of your enemies in the west."
"What?!" shrieks the king. "I don't have any enemies to the west!"
"Oh, no..." says the knight. "Well, you do now."
Fire the proof reader and the printer!
~ IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are one of hundreds of parachuting enthusiasts who bought our Easy Sky Diving book, please make the following correction: on page 8, line 7, the words "state zip code" should have read "pull rip cord."
~ It was incorrectly reported last Friday that today is T-shirt Appreciation Day. In fact, it is actually Teacher Appreciation Day.
~ There was a mistake in an item sent in two weeks ago which stated that Ed Burnham entertained a party at crap shooting. It should have been trap shooting.
~ There are two important corrections to the information in the update on our Deep Relaxation professional development program. First, the program will include meditation, not medication. Second, it is experiential, not experimental.
~ In the City Beat section of Friday's paper, firefighter Dwight Brady was misidentified. His nickname in the department is "Dewey." Another firefighter is nicknamed "Weirdo." We apologize for our mistake.
~ Our newspaper carried the notice last week that Mr. Oscar Hoffnagle is a defective on the police force. This was a typographical error. Mr. Hoffnagle is, of course, a detective on the police farce.
~ In a recent edition, we referred to the chairman of Chrysler Corporation as Lee Iacoocoo. His real name is Lee Iacacca. The Gazette regrets the error.
~ Apology: I originally wrote, "Woodrow Wilson's wife grazed sheep on front lawn of the White House." I'm sorry that typesetting inadvertently left out the word "sheep."
~ In one edition of today's Food Section, an inaccurate number of jalapeno peppers was given for Jeanette Crowley's Southwestern chicken salad recipe. The recipe should call for two, not 21, jalapeno peppers.
The Old Grandfather's Table
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.

The family ate together at the table. But, the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.

"We must do something about Grandfather," said the son. "I've had enough of the spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor." So, the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There Grandfather ate alone, while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since, Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.

When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye, as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence.

One evening, before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, "What are you making?"

Just as sweetly, the boy responded, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for Papa and Mama to eat their food in when I grow up." The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.

The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though, no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.

That evening, the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.

For the remainder of his days, he ate every meal with the family. And, for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

-- Source Unknown
Note: If long URL’s break, please cut and paste.
Two wolves fight …..
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight between two wolves.
"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, greed, regret, lies, self-pity, arrogance, guilt, resentment, inferiority, false pride, superiority and ego.
"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
"This same fight is going on inside you -- and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee replied, "The one you feed."
Audio interviews with Inc 500 Hall of Fame CEO's.  To make the Hall of Fame a company must make the Inc. 500 list at least five times.
Descriptions of many business models
All about the Johari Window Model
Top Women Business Builders -- a slide show.
Note again: If long URL’s break, please cut and paste.
In-house training programs facilitated by G K Lim
How To Sell Successfully To Corporate Customers
How To Lead Your Sales Team So That They Consistently Exceed Sales Quotas
(Leadership skills for the sales manager / supervisor)
IT'S A DEAL! -- Negotiating For Marketing, Sales and Business Success
WE DO CARE: Creating The Attitude of Service
(Customer service excellence skills)
Need more info? Please contact:
Kelly Teoh, Program Manager
Human Resources Services (1419991-U)
Tel: 03-238 11 060
Fax: 03-238 11 018; E-fax: 019-232 8312
Learn "How To Heal With Your Hands" through the two-day Quantum-Touch Interactive Video Workshop, featuring Richard Gordon on video, facilitated by G K Lim and Kelly Teoh.
On Sat & Sun, 12 & 13 November, 2005, 9 am to 5 pm, at Seri Malaysia Hotel, Penang, (Bandar Bayan Baru, near Sunshine Square, behind PISA)
And on Sat & Sun, 03 and 04 December, 2005, 9 am to 5 pm, at Wira Hotel, KL (near PWTC LRT Station)
Using natural life-force energy.  No rituals.  No initiations.  No mantras.  No tuning.  No secret codes.  No symbols.  No religious connotations.
LISTEN TO A TALK about Quantum-Touch by Richard Gordon in streaming audio, link found at bottom of
VIEW PICTURES of our past events at
READ AN ARTICLE about QT Malaysia at
“Quantum-Touch is a significant breakthrough in hands-on healing… an essential and invaluable skill for every lay person and professional practitioner.”
Alternative Medicine Magazine
"Quantum-Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers."
Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD., Ph. D.
"Quantum-Touch is a powerful hands-on healing technique that can be used effectively by lay people as well as professionals. I highly recommend it."
Dr. Patricia Warkus, M.D.
"I am thrilled at the simplicity and the effectiveness of this technique. Quantum-Touch is a great awakening."
John Jacobs, Ph.D.
"Quantum-Touch is easy to learn, has a significant impact on the body's energy system and can make profound shifts in people's lives."
Dr. Leonard Laskow, M.D.
Fee: RM 290 per pax (inclusive of tea/snacks and set lunch on both days, plus certificate and course credit from Quantum-Touch USA).  If you don’t want the certificate and course credit from Quantum-Touch USA, then you pay only RM 190 (that's inclusive of tea/snacks and set lunch on both days).  Immediate family members (parents, brothers, sisters, spouse and children) get a RM 40 discount per pax in current or future workshops.  To repeat workshop, hotel and admin fee of RM 75 applies. If confused or for more info, please call G K Lim / Kelly Teoh 03-23811060, 019-2268987,
Privacy Policy: We do not rent or sell your email address. Period.
Compilation © Copyright 2005 G K Lim, All Rights Reserved
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