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Janae Nowinski

Dec 23, 2023, 8:01:54 AM12/23/23
to PartKeepr Users

It's Saturday night and I'm livin' the nerd life, bringing to you some more of Fighting Fantasy.

Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World
Faces of Evil and Chaos

So here we have another list of powerful figures of the appropriate alignment in the Titan setting. Unlike the list for the Neutral forces, there's actually more than one character to put here. On the other hand, most of them are less immediately useful than the Good characters as NPCs, since any player already familiar with these guys isn't going to remember "hey, I remember Yaztromo, he totally helped out my dude in Temple of Terror " so much as it would be "Hey I remember Zharradan Marr, he was a cock in Creature of Havoc ." Failing that little twinge of recognition, really all this list is good for is a catalog of example villains to throw out there, unless you really fancy reviving the classics. As a note...several of the gamebook villains have exactly that happen. At least once.

It's not even a full listing, either, even for the abbreviated selection of gamebooks that had been released by the time Titan saw print. No mention is made of Zanbar Bone, ultimate foozle of City of Thieves , nor is the evil wizard of Scorpion Swamp listed here.

On the other hand,Baron Sukumvit of Fang and Lord Azzur of Port Blacksand are both technically villainous rulers who could be interesting even while not directly confronted. (Although in Sukumvit's case, since Deathtrap Dungeon is a completely voluntary challenge with a very generous prize as a reward, and not actually there to be malicious so much as bring business to Fang, the villain label may be misapplied.)

I've added notes on each one of these villains with regards to their current "canonical" status assuming a timeline where all the gamebooks have already happened with the victorious endings; this information is not present in Titan and is based on both my own assessment and the gamebooks in question.

Anyway, the list:

Razaak, the Undying One
Once an apprentice to a great Lawful wizard, he was fascinated by what his master told him of dark magic, and realized he had the potential to be a great necromancer, plus that using magic to help people was for sissies. He fucked off, spent forty years mastering the dark arts, and finally, when he'd managed to sufficiently learn necromancy to his own satisfaction, sent messages off to the nobles of Allansia, demanding to be acknowledged as their ruler.

Of course, when you spend forty years off in the fucking desert practicing raising dead things in a cave, nobody has ever fucking heard of you back in civilization, so they ignored the shit out of his messages. In turn, Razaak sent a plague of insects across the land, and then they took him seriously...enough so to send out assassins after him. Sorry, he's evil, they were brave warriors. All of them got killed. Finally, a dude named Kull showed up, with a sword he'd found gripped in a skeletal hand in a misty lake up in the Moonstone Hills while he was crossing on a raft. It was enchanted and could cut through plate mail without effort or dulling. This was, of course, Razaak's own former sword, and the only weapon that could kill him. As part of his final pacts with his demonic masters, Razaak had been forced to give up all weapons other than the sacrificial knives used in the evil rituals; however, his sword couldn't be destroyed, so he chucked it in a lake, and of course, it rose in the hands of a skeleton.

Well, Kull sure as hell didn't know that, but it didn't really matter, since when he hacked Razaak with the damn thing, Razaak died, and as far as Kull knew that was supposed to happen. Sadly, Razaak cast a curse on poor Kull and his flesh turned to dust, and he became a skeleton himself, cursed to forever carry the sword that had slain Razaak. Kull's skeleton returned to the lake where he found the sword in the first place and he has been hanging around there waiting for someone to claim it from him and grant him rest. Meanwhile, Razaak was buried in a sarcophagus and placed in a deep fissure in the hills...and forgotten, until recently.

Current Status : Dead again, as of Crypt of the Sorcerer . The player of the book locates Kull, kills Razaak, and avoids being cursed like the previous bearer of the magical blade, thanks to Yaztromo's help. Of course, the blade itself is now buried under tons and tons of rubble at the bottom of a fissure, so if the fucker comes back again that could be trouble...

Malbordus, the Storm Child
A human sorcerer raised by dark elves, who found him abandoned in the woods during a raid. He was a magical prodigy, torched an elven village in Darkwood Forest before puberty, a test of magic that was the first step towards becoming a master of dark magics. His second test saw him travel to the Temple of Terror in the midst of the desert...

Current Status ...where he had to find five Dragon Artefacts and revive them, using them to raze the civilized world. Sadly for poor Malbordus, the player of Temple of Terror managed to find the five dragon artefacts before him, and, using the oft-stolen hammer of Gillibran of Stonebridge, destroy them, before slaying Malbordus himself in single combat. Again, Yaztromo's help was instrumental to the hero, who learned a few invaluable spells from the old wizard before his journey. The book's more fun than its villain.

Shareela, the Snow Witch
Once a human sorceress from Zengis, she was sent into the frosty northlands on a test of her skills, where she was to survive for five weeks. Four weeks into the test she encountered an ice demon, who promised her vast powers and rulership in his service, and she decided that was way cooler than being nice and friendly. She decided to go along with the demon, became a vampire and a powerful necromancer, and sits in her caverns, gathering slaves and preparing to cast powerful ice magic to create a new ice age.

Current Status Killing Shareela doesn't remotely end Caverns of the Snow Witch , with something like a third of the book being after her demise. She does, however, cast a death spell on the hero, but it's not a very good one, since he (or she) has enough time to travel south to find Pen Ty Kora the Healer (remember him? He's the one who's not Nicodemus and not Yaztromo) and reach the summit of Firetop Mountain for a healing ritual. As a vampire, though, there's always the potential that she'll return again...

The Demonic Three
This is kinda cheating as a section. It's actually talking about Balthus Dire, Zagor, and Zharradan Marr. So take Yaztromo, Nicodemus, and Pen Ty Kora, and imagine evil versions, and that's what you have here. They studied under a master of dark magics, then killed him and went their separate ways.

Balthus Dire went off to Craggen Rock, his ancestral home, murdered his own father, and started raising an army.

Current Status: Dead, killed in Citadel of Chaos without any special bullshit.

Zagor and Zharradan Marr went the other way, and while Zharradan wandered off into the Moonstone Hills, Zagor continued on to Firetop Mountain, where he took over the Dwarven settlement there and stole all their treasure, then sat around chillin'.

Current Status: Anyone's guess, probably dead. He was slain in Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the first of the gamebook line. And again in Return to Firetop Mountain, the fiftieth (and at the time, planned to be the last.) And again in Legend of Zagor. And apparently there was a series of novels about the guy, so he's really the energizer bunny of villains. Kiiiiinda not likely to be a favorite among players to have to kill again and again and again, though.

Zharradan Marr, for his part, vanished in the Moonstone Hills. What is he up to? Nobody knows.

Current Status: Kinda trapped in limbo. In Creature of Havoc Marr's whereabouts and activities are somewhat explored; he's been experimenting with a "science" called marrangha, which can be used to basically mutate and modify creatures, and created the titular Creature from the captain of a Sky Galleon out of Salamonis. Marr was hunted down by his own creation, who found his way back to his airship and used a crystal club to shatter the mirror Marr was residing within, returning himself to his former human self.

Real World Note: Balthus Dire and Zharradan Marr appeared only in titles by Steve Jackson (the UK one, not the US one) who really didn't like covering the same ground, and tended to be the one of the original pair of creators to push the envelope and try more experimental things. After Creature of Havoc he stopped writing gamebooks. Ian Livingstone, on the other hand had no qualms about revisiting the same villain or writing fairly standard fantasy gamebooks, and was the more traditional of the pair, and he wrote all of the Zagor sequels solo, even though the Warlock himself was Jackson's creation in the original gamebook.

Back to the villains...

Sukumvit and Carnuss

Sukumvit's the baron of Fang, and Carnuss is his try-hard younger brother. Carnuss felt neglected and was pissed off that his brother inherited the title of Baron when their father died. He started hanging out with scum, and a group of the scum, hearing him mutter about how much he wanted to kill his brother, offered to assassinate Sukumvit for only a thousand gold...and Carnuss paid.

The "scum" went to Sukumvit and told the Baron what happened, since they were actually members of the palace guard Sukumvit had ordered to watch his idiot younger brother. Humiliated and exposed, Carnuss fucked off and plotted his revenge.

Sukumvit built Deathtrap Dungeon, a...well, it's what it sounds like. It's a sadistic labyrinth, with a prize of 10, 000 gold to anyone who comes out alive. For years, nobody did, but finally someone managed, and Sukumvit immediately started renovating.

Carnuss saw how Sukumvit's reputation suffered when he had to pay out to the victorious adventurer, and set up his own training program--he began capturing people and putting them through strenuous, murderous tests, which none have yet survived, but he plans to send the first one who does to compete in the Trial of Champions and humiliate Sukumvit in his name.

Current Status Sukumvit's stil alive after two successful adventurers have completed his trial, though several thousand gold poorer, and popular with his subjects, since his violent tendencies are channeled into the dungeon, which brings a lot of tourists and adventurers who spend money like it's going out of style. Carnuss, on the other hand, got his sorry ass killed by the same adventurer he sent to participate in the Trial of Champions, who was also granted the right to duel Carnuss by the Baron after he'd successfully emerged from the Trial. The hero then went on to raise an army and fight off some dark force in Armies of Darkness, the exact plot of which I can't remember beyond that it's a direct sequel to Trial of Champions. Not how I'd personally spend 10,000 gold but as it happens, probably good that he did.

The Archmage
None know where he came from, nor any name for him beyond the cryptic title by which he is known. He built the fortress of Mampang, in Kakhabad, and started organizing the forces there. At some point, he battled a hydra, which was probably fairly epic, and when he had slain it, he used his dark magic to turn its heads into the Seven Serpents, each corresponding to one of the Gods he had once followed, and who serve him still. He stole the Crown of Kings from Analand.

He's not a very interesting character...

Current Status : ..and he is very dead, after the Analander sent to retrieve the Crown got finished with him. There's a Let's Play of the Sorcery series ongoing that I'm not going to spoil further, just in case.

Lord Azzur, the Tyrant of Blacksand

For a guy who never directly appears in any of the gamebooks, Azzur's backstory is actually pretty damn cool. He's been in charge of Port Blacksand for the past thirty years, is a deadly pirate, a cruel and sadistic ruler, has a girl with a snake head for a girlfriend, and a fondness for carnivorous topiary.

Azzur was born not on Allansia, but in Arion, on Khul, where he was fascinated by the cult of Kukulak, Khulian god of storms. He snuck into the temple during a ritual to find out why the acolytes of Kukulak always went about swathed in black clothes that hid their faces, and was caught...and found out firsthand why they did so--as a part of their initiation into the temple, they were branded. If the scars formed themselves into the runes of Kukulak, they were accepted into the church, otherwise, they were...disposed of. The young Azzur was offered the choice of taking the test of flames himself or dying there and then. Like anyone not an idiot, he took the test, and to the disappointment of the administering priest, the burns formed the necessary runes.

Fearing what his parents would do to punish him, the new acolyte of Kukulak fled Arion aboard a ship, which was soon taken by pirates; the captain was fascinated by the scarred, black-clad boy and took him on as a cabin boy. From there, Azzur learned the arts of piracy...and eventually, he had a fleet of his own and enough gold to buy half a continent.

Instead, he conquered Port Blacksand, which has become a wretched hive of scum and villainy under his rule. Neat place if you want adventure, though...

Current Status: He's not going anywhere any time soon. He's got a veritable army of fanatically loyal guards, and he's pretty likely to be terrifyingly deadly in personal combat himself. He's probably in his 50s, but that's not that old when you're that rich. He occasionally still sails off on raids. What'll happen to Blacksand when he does finally die is anyone's guess.

The book's got a map of Blacksand here, but that'll come up several more times in the course of the examination of further material and it's not really elaborated on at this time. There's a buncha other illustrations from various gamebooks of the villains throughout this section but I don't have a scanner that works and the pdf I've found of the book that I used for earlier image-fetching is really kind of shitty in this segment, so I can't really readily share them. Sorry. If anyone is terribly put out by the lack of art, I can always go digging, but I don't figure it's THAT big an issue...

anyway. Next time, mermaids.

I wish I was shitting you.

Fighting Fantasy Classics full crack [cheat]

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