Mocking IEndpointInstance with NSubstitute

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Oct 4, 2017, 6:32:39 AM10/4/17
to Particular Software

In NSB v5 I could mock the IBus and then use methods like received from the mocking lib to test whether the IBus.Send(..) received the expected arguments or not. When I try to mock IEndpointInstance in the same way, I get a System.ArgumentNullException:

Is this behavior by design or not?

And yes, I can use TestableEndpointInstance to achieve the same, and that works. 

I'm using NSubstitute for mocking, and reading the last comment form this SO (, it says that this can be achieved using Moq, so I wonder why this does not work with NSubstitute.

My NSB v5 test with IBus that works fine:
var ibus = Substitute.For<IBus>();

_myService.DoSomething(objectWithSomeParams); //this one calls IBus.Send(MyMessage)

My NSB v6 test with IEndpointInstance that throws exception:
var endpointInstance = Substitute.For<IEndpointInstance>();

.DoSomething(objectWithSomeParams); //this one calls IEndpointInstance.Send(MyMessage)

//throws following exception:
(System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: message
NServiceBus.IMessageSessionExtensions.Send(IMessageSession session, Object message) in C:\BuildAgent\work\3206e2123f54fce4\src\NServiceBus.Core\IMessageSessionExtensions.cs:line 19)

Current refactor that does the same without mocking
var testableEndpointInstance = new TestableEndpointInstance();

.DoSomething(objectWithSomeParams); //this one calls IEndpointInstance.Send(MyMessage)

var sentMessages = testableEndpointInstance.SentMessages;

Daniel Marbach

Oct 4, 2017, 6:44:36 AM10/4/17
to Particular Software

Hi ivan,

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