Catholic Culture: Liturgical Day Preview for June 28th

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Liturgical Year

Jun 28, 2024, 1:03:41 AMJun 28
Preview for June 28th: Memorial of St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr, and Doctor of the Church Email Header Image

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Preview for June 28th: Memorial of St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr, and Doctor of the Church

Readings for this day on the USCCB website


Memorial of St. Irenaeus: O God, who called the Bishop Saint Irenaeus to confirm true doctrine and the peace of the Church, grant, we pray, through his intercession, that, being renewed in faith and charity, we may always be intent on fostering unity and concord. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Vigil, Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul: Grant, we pray, O Lord our God, that we may be sustained by the intercession of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, that, as through them you gave your Church the foundations of her heavenly office, so through them you may help her to eternal salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Visit our website for more information about this day, including reflections, lives of the saints, prayers, activities, and recipes.

The Church celebrates the Memorial of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop and Martyr (130-202). He was born in Asia Minor around the year 140. It is not known when he came to Gaul. He was a priest of the Church of Lyons during the persecution of 177 when St. Pothinus, first bishop of the city and the first martyr of Lyons, was put to death. Irenaeus succeeded him as bishop and twenty-five years later was martyred in his turn during a fresh persecution. At a time when Gnostic sects threatened to undermine Christianity by a perversion of Christian thought, St. Irenaeus vigorously denounced all heresies and safeguarded unity of belief by laying down the principles of the doctrinal tradition of the Church.

In 2022, Pope Francis declared St. Irenaeus to be Doctor of the Universal Church, with the title “Doctor Unitatis” (“Doctor of Unity”).

Tomorrow is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Observance of the solemnity begins with First Vespers (Evening Prayer I) in the Liturgy of the Hours on June 28, and a special Vigil Mass before or after First Vespers. The liturgical day is from midnight to midnight in the Church's observance, except for Sunday and solemnities which begin with the evening of the preceding day.

Today continues Religious Freedom Week, June 22-29. Continue reading on our website.

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St. Irenaeus

Saint Irenaeus was born in the year 120; he was of the Greek tongue, and probably a native of Asia Minor. His parents, who were Christians, placed him while still young under the care of the great Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. It was in this holy school that he learned the sacred science which later made him a great ornament of the Church and the terror of her enemies. Saint Polycarp cultivated his rising genius and formed his mind to piety by his precepts and example, and the zealous young scholar was careful to reap all advantages offered him by the... Continue reading on the website.

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