Hi Magdalena!
When I run that script, with the parameters you list, `run_file` already returns one or more Praat objects:
>>> parselmouth.praat.run_file('../plugin_VocalToolkit/SyllableNucleiv3.praat', '/home/yannick/TEST/*.wav', 'None', -25, 2, 0.4, True, 'English', 1, 'Table', 'OverWriteData', True)
[<parselmouth.Sound object at 0x7f9a356d7770>, <parselmouth.TextGrid object at 0x7f9a345ddff0>, <parselmouth.Data object at 0x7f9a345de030>]
>>> table = parselmouth.praat.run_file('../plugin_VocalToolkit/SyllableNucleiv3.praat', '/home/yannick/TEST/*.wav', 'None', -25, 2, 0.4, True, 'English', 1, 'Table', 'OverWriteData', True)[-1]
>>> table.full_name
'Table "the_north_wind_and_the_sun"'
>>> print(table)
Object type: Table
Object name: the_north_wind_and_the_sun
Date: Wed Mar 29 18:19:25 2023
Number of rows: 4
Number of columns: 37
And what you can for example do is "List" to get out a TSV-formatted string:
>>> parselmouth.praat.call(table, "List", False)
One more trick necessary to get Pandas to read this, it seems, but StringIO does the job:
>>> pd.read_table(io.StringIO(parselmouth.praat.call(table, "List", False)))
type ts dur durz F0 F0z F1 F1z F2 F2z F3 F3z dF0 dF0z ... dqF1z dqF2 dqF2z dqF3 dqF3z sdF0 sdF0z sdF1 sdF1z sdF2 sdF2z sdF3 sdF3z score
0 ? 0.138 0.152 -0.487 18.851 1.226 4.078 -0.455 8.580 -0.977 15.052 0.024 -8.932 -1.226 ... 0.244 4.270 0.378 6.675 1.273 2.853 1.413 1.108 -0.105 1.245 -0.053 2.029 1.247 2.320
1 ? 0.466 0.160 -0.209 13.722 0.309 4.032 -0.503 8.922 -0.673 14.192 -1.072 -3.802 -0.309 ... -0.688 5.170 1.208 2.157 -0.930 1.292 -0.056 0.805 -0.601 1.779 1.289 0.810 -0.923 2.052
2 ? 0.698 0.144 -0.765 9.566 -0.434 3.996 -0.541 10.986 1.164 16.078 1.330 0.353 0.434 ... -0.866 3.290 -0.526 2.732 -0.649 0.417 -0.880 0.721 -0.738 1.232 -0.084 0.945 -0.682 2.704
3 fp 1.042 0.208 1.461 5.833 -1.101 5.937 1.499 10.224 0.486 14.813 -0.282 4.086 1.101 ... 1.310 2.712 -1.060 4.693 0.307 0.845 -0.477 2.055 1.443 0.807 -1.152 1.529 0.358 3.725
[4 rows x 37 columns]
(or with `pd.read_csv(..., sep='\t')`)
Do note that it still seems that the Praat script is saving a few temporary files to disk, etc, but that's inherent to the Praat script. The alternative would be to adapt the script, or to reproduce it in Python, accessing Praat functionality through `parselmouth.praat.call`.
Next, I'm not entirely sure why, but I seem to be getting an entirely different table out, when I put "False" for the "Keep objects" parameter, so you might want to double check:
>>> table = parselmouth.praat.run_file('../plugin_VocalToolkit/SyllableNucleiv3.praat', '/home/yannick/TEST/*.wav', 'None', -25, 2, 0.4, True, 'English', 1, 'Table', 'OverWriteData', False)[-1]
>>> pd.read_table(io.StringIO(parselmouth.praat.call(table, "List", False)))
name nsyll npause dur(s) phonationtime(s) speechrate(nsyll/dur) articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime) ASD(speakingtime/nsyll) nrFP tFP(s)
0 the_north_wind_and_the_sun 4 0 1.28 1.28 3.12 3.12 0.321 1 0.208
And finally, within the context of a larger Python program, it might also be nice to know you can just pass a Sound of your choice, rather than specifying the path:
>>> sound = parselmouth.Sound("the_north_wind_and_the_sun.wav")
>>> table = parselmouth.praat.run_file(sound, '../plugin_VocalToolkit/SyllableNucleiv3.praat', '', 'None', -25, 2, 0.4, True, 'English', 1, 'Table', 'OverWriteData', False)[-1]
>>> pd.read_table(io.StringIO(parselmouth.praat.call(table, "List", False)))
name nsyll npause dur(s) phonationtime(s) speechrate(nsyll/dur) articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime) ASD(speakingtime/nsyll) nrFP tFP(s)
0 untitled 4 0 1.28 1.28 3.12 3.12 0.321 1 0.208
Or even multiple Sound objects (obviously, in this case it's twice the same, but just showcasing you can pass a list):
>>> table = parselmouth.praat.run_file([sound, sound], '../plugin_VocalToolkit/SyllableNucleiv3.praat', '', 'None', -25, 2, 0.4, True, 'English', 1, 'Table', 'OverWriteData', False)[-1]
>>> pd.read_table(io.StringIO(parselmouth.praat.call(table, "List", False)))
name nsyll npause dur(s) phonationtime(s) speechrate(nsyll/dur) articulation_rate(nsyll/phonationtime) ASD(speakingtime/nsyll) nrFP tFP(s)
0 untitled 4 0 1.28 1.28 3.12 3.12 0.321 1 0.208
1 untitled 4 0 1.28 1.28 3.12 3.12 0.321 1 0.208
Probably you don't need it, but it also shows how you can adapt the Praat scripts at the start and end (without touching the core part) if something's lacking in the interaction with Parselmouth/Python.
I hope this already helps, but if I missed something, don't hesitate to get back with more questions/issues!
Kind regards