(Sorry for this cross-posting. This doesn't have to do directly with
math, but I am posting it here as a courtesy to the parents in Lemont.
-- Steve)
Please consider signing the online petition to the State College Area
School District to keep Lemont Elementary School as a school for
financial, educational, environmental, and societal reasons. The
petition reads:
"To: The Board of School Directors of the State College Area School
We, residents of the State College Area School District of
Pennsylvania, support keeping the Lemont Elementary School as a school
as the best use of our district's assets. Its solid construction
should be intelligently and economically rehabilitated for a necessary
and overdue updating. The Lemont School serves as an anchor for the
Village of Lemont, a National Historic District that is valued and
supported as a place of pride and cultural heritage. The updating of
historic public school buildings has proven repeatedly across the
nation to be less expensive, both in the short term and long term,
than construction or renovation of newer structures with less impact
on the environment. Smaller neighborhood schools reinforce real estate
values that protect the tax base, promote physically healthier young
citizens through opportunities for walking and biking, combat the
student anonymity and isolation that breeds bullying, are more cost
effective in administration over time, and provide nurturing
characteristics that result in producing responsible, stable, and
productive entrants to society."
Friends of Lemont School is a group that has been formed in order to
keep Lemont School as a School. The petition is on its website:
or just go to
and click on "Keep Lemont" and it will send you to the website. The
website contains the link to the online petition as well as a
printable version to circulate, arguments, resources, and soon a
downloadable flier for printing and distribution on the issue. If you
sign, please remember to ask spouses to sign separately.
Votes on the proposed Master Plan will take place within weeks. If the
Lemont School is to be kept a neighborhood school, the Board of School
Directors will have to hear from its residents. Please consider the
importance to our children, society, economy, and cultural heritage of
keeping Lemont School as a neighborhood school for our children.
Spread the word and the petition--Lemont is not off the chopping
block; the Board was just waiting to see if there would be an outcry
over closing neighborhood schools in general and Lemont in particular.
Make noise!
Thank you,
JoDee Dyreson
**Keep the Lemont School as a School**